Wexford People

Stage set for Tullycanna Music Festival


THE FIFTH annual Tullycanna Music Festival will take place in Stafford’s Pub, Tullycanna this Sunday, with the first acts starting at 5 p.m.

Organised by a group of local people, the festival was originally started to raise funds for the building of a new hall in Ballymitty. Following the success of those first two years, the group decided to continue running the event for local charities.

Bríd White said that over the course of the last four years, they had raised over €13,000 for local causes, including Windmill TTU, the Able Disabled club, and MS Wexford, who are tihs year’s beneficiar­ies also.

Ms White explained that they were aware of a large number of people in their local community who suffered from MS and pointed out that it was quite a prevalent issue in County Wexford in general.

A number of bands will perform on the night including: The Hot Ashphalt, Valentines, Jimmy Clooney, Wayne Hogan, Stuart Burns, and John and Carmel, all of whom are giving their time freely for the event. Ms White also thanked the various local sponsors around Wexford who were generous. There will be a barbecue and refreshmen­ts served throughout the day.

The festival will be signposted from Wexford out along the Duncannon Line.

Tickets are €5 and area available on the door on the day.

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