Wicklow People



which is best for your pet: it depends on your precise needs. If you’re considerin­g getting one, it’s worth taking time to read online reviews of the various features of each product.

Fitbark, Pitpat, Petpace, and KippyVita are some of the current brands, and there isn’t yet a clear market leader: each has strengths and weaknesses. There’s also a location tracker for cats, called Pawtrack, which allows you to see the precise location of your pet at any time of day. As technology advances, these products are getting smaller and more efficient: perhaps one day they’ll be reduced to the size of an implantabl­e microchip. The various versions are available at different prices, from €50 to over €100, with extra monthly costs for subscripti­ons or SIM cards, depending on the product.

I’ve found it interestin­g to hear people’s opinions of pet activity monitors: it seems to me that if you are a gadget kind of person, you’ll love them. If, on the other hand, you are an animal lover without a penchant for computers, phones or the like, then there may be simpler ways of improving the activity levels of yourself and your pet. I have two simple suggestion­s.

First, take up Canicross. This sport involves running with your dog along forest trails and through fields. You need to buy a special harness for your dog, as well as a long bungee-type leash that attaches to your waist (visit www.tails-and-trails.org to buy these online). Once you have done some simple training with your dog, the two of you can run together, just about anywhere you want. You don’t need to compete, but once you get good at running together, the competitio­ns add interest to your new hobby. Canicross doesn’t suit every dog and owner, but if you want to find a way to get the two of you fit together, it’s hard to beat.

My second suggestion is to buy a good “chucker and ball”: this allows you to easily throw a ball repeatedly for your pet, allowing them to get at least double the exercise compared to the usual leisurely walk beside you. My favourite brand is called “Chuckit”, with brightly coloured balls (making them hard to lose in undergrowt­h) that make a quiet whistling sound as they are thrown (making them easier for dogs to chase).

The New Year is a great time to start new habits: perhaps 2017 will be the year that you – and your dog – finally reach optimal fitness together.

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