Wicklow People



AN ELDERLY man was dumped at the side of the road in Laragh after two men hijacked his jeep last Wednesday.

The pair jumped into the back of his vehicle in Aughrim and threw a hood over the startled driver’s head. They then drove around with the frightened man before eventually shoving him out of the jeep in a secluded spot in the Laragh area.

He managed to make his way to the village, where he raised the alarm. His vehicle was found burnt out near Laragh the next day.

AN Elderly man was dumped from his own jeep after it was hijacked while he was travelling near Aughrim.

The driver was returning home through Aughrim on Wednesday night, September 27, when two people suddenly jumped into the back of his vehicle and placed a hood over his head.

He was then bundled into the back of the vehicle and was driven around for a period of time while the two culprits stole a number of items from the car.

He was eventually shoved out of the jeep as his assailants drove away in the vehicle.

By foot he managed to make his way to the nearest location, Laragh, where he raised the alarm.

The stolen jeep was found burnt out not far from Laragh the following morning at 7.30 a.m..

Gardai began examining the charred-remains of the vehicle for any clues as to who was responsibl­e for the theft and its destructio­n. CCTV footage from the area is also being examined.

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