Wicklow People


- by Carlos O’Connor

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Beginnings and endings for you this week! What is no longer working for you will be left behind and something that could work better will be taken up. This could cause some disruption. Even so, you know that there is no going back, so decisions made now last for some time to come. Ask for what you want this week. Tired of tiptoeing around an issue? Bring it out in the open. Your Luck: The strength of your beliefs is clear to see.

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Getting out this week could well mean meeting someone special. Maybe you are already settled but there is always room for a new friend, isn’t there? It is hard enough finding someone who twines with your ideas, so hold onto them when you do! Get out and about and, as I say, you could have some fun! Nothing can happen without your input, so give plenty of it. Your Luck: This is a time when action brings you luck. What could you miss? Lots!

Cancer June 22 – July 22

New people coming into your sphere and family expand both your work and social life. The more organised you are, the better able you will be to accept last-minute changes and invitation­s. Those who are single come across some ‘different’ folk who intrigue! Romance is on your mind, whatever your current situation. Moments on your own give way to sentimenta­l thoughts. Your Luck: Something in the past that made you happy gives a warm glow.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

In a month that is good for couples and coupling, make sure that you get in on the action this week. If someone is showing a romantic interest in you but you are unsure, find out more. Many a friendship turned out to be more over time. Only, be sure of what you want. Those who are already settled find that some passionate moments defy all expectatio­ns. Your Luck: Love can come your way at any time. Enjoy your week!

Aries March 21 – April 20

A great deal of attention is coming your way this week. At home recent changes have been disruptive but now settle down. This gives time to think and look ahead more clearly. Someone in authority (maybe at work) is especially interested in how you are getting on. Be at your best! It’s a good time to continue to give your finances a tweak. Your Luck: Finding ways of saving on household items is an exciting challenge.

Leo July 23 – August 23

Is there a question that you want to put to someone special? This could be the best week to finally let your feelings be known. Confused by the way someone is behaving? Be determined to show both interest and sympathy. Chances are that it is not what you were expecting. Maybe you have sorted money matters out. If not, don’t leave anything to chance. Your Luck: The Full Moon this week shines a light on finances.

Capricorn December 22 - January 20

The tail end of a relationsh­ip or tricky work situation may still be wagging your emotions. Try to pin it down and walk away this week. You are well placed to avoid an argument but gain the upper ground. Dignity. Remember that? A great weapon that confuses the opposition! Passions are high both at home and work. Know when to hold back and when to just enjoy the moment. Your Luck: Are your instincts on top form?

Taurus March 21 – April 20

Any talents that you have are sure to get attention now. Maybe something that started out as a time-filler will now take on a life of its own? Excitement in planning ahead for home and family becomes rewarding as things start to come together. A romantic offer falls on deaf ears if you are already settled. If not, then be aware of the possibilit­ies. Your Luck: On a very personal note, speak to a loved one about future hopes and dreams.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

If there are any puzzling aspects to your social or working life at the moment, don’t worry. Next week you will see things more clearly. In the meantime, get yourself organised and up to date with what is going on around you. Profession­al advice may be needed on a practical matter. It could save you both time and worry. Even a shift in attitude could see some conundrums just disappear! Your Luck: Any kind of move should go well this week.

Aquarius January 21 - February 19

This week’s Full Moon brings a surge of energy and honesty. Passions are roused and some home truths exposed. Of course, these may not all be at home. Any work colleagues who have irritated you could bear the brunt. Even so, retain your dignity and walk away having made your point. Next week brings something that needs all of your romantic attention! Your Luck: Don’t waste your time going over old ground.

Gemini May 22 – June 21

It would be easy to see yourself as a perfectly good example of perfection. Well, you are certainly well balanced and admirable. This week could see you fall off your high horse when someone throws up a challenge. Try not to think of someone as just a nuisance when they could be so much more. Gather facts before you decide to speak. Your Luck: Sometimes we have to listen to people we do not agree with, just to see what they are up to.

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