Wicklow People



CATTLE REPORT–WEDNESDAY MARCH 7: A special spring sale with a very brisk trade all round. Prices driven by farmer demand, resulting in a complete clearance. Heavier continenta­l bullocks making up to €2.40 per KG, with a Limousin bullock weighing 615 KG selling for €1450. Lively trade for all types of store cattle. These animals making up to €2.70 per KG.

Charolais Bullock, 610 KG made €1,400; Hereford Bullock , 560 KG made €1,270; Limousin Bullock, 525 KG made €1,240; Angus Bullock, 560 KG made €1,210; Simmental Bullock, 505 KG made €1,210; Simmental Bullock, 395 KG made €1,130; Charolais Bullock, 392 KG made €1,040; Limousin Heifer, 392 KG made €990.

SHEEP REPORT–SATURDAY MARCH 10: Bigger numbers on offer this week after the bad weather. This resulted in a complete clearance of all stock. All sorts of hoggots making up to €2.50 per KG and selling with strong demand. Heavier ewes were making up to €1.70 per KG, this was driven by factory buyers.

Heavier Hoggets: 50.5kg made– €116; 50kg made–€120 ; 47kg made–€119; 45kg made–€118; 40kg made–€106.

Stores: 26kg made–€67; 30kg made–€77; 33kg made–€88; 34kg made–€87; 38kg made–€100. with the Continenta­l selling anything from €2.20 upwards of €2.80 per kg with one exceptiona­l price 3 CH bks 437kg making €1190.

Very lively trade in the beef heifer class with a lot of butcher demand selling anything from €650 with the kg up to a tops today of €1020 with the kg and the store heifers equally as lively as the store hfrs selling at €2 per kg for the HE and AA with the good continenta­l heifers selling from €2.35 to €2.80 per kg with some heifers pushing up close to €3 for the weanling U grade type.

Very brisk trade for weanling bulls and strong demand by the feeder and shipper customers with those continenta­l bulls selling from €2.40 for the more forward weights up to a tops of €3.10 per kg with the majority pushing between €2.60 and €2.95.

FR cull cows sold from €150 with the kg up to a tops today of €850 with the kg for the heavy continenta­l cows with the good young fit feeding cows a very lively trade.

In calf cows sold today from €1080 up to a tops of €1520 spring calving.

We had a large entry of calves with the shipping type FR selling from €50 up to €100 with some stronger FR up to a tops of €170 and some of the very light calves selling from a base price of €20 upwards while we saw the HE and AA from €120 upwards and the HE and AA bulls selling from €160 upwards and the good continenta­l type calves meeting a strong trade up to a tops of €430 today for a CH bull with the majority selling from €350 to €400.

Just to remind everyone next Friday at 10:30am we will have a clearance sale of 15 continenta­l cows with calves at foot also 4 spring calving cows, 1 PR Reg stock bull and 29 yearling bks and hfrs all from the one herd.

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