Wicklow People


- by Carlos O’Connor

Pisces February 20 – March 20

Climbing an emotional or financial hill? Both? Throw away all negative thoughts. Jettison anything that’s holding you back. You’re not a beast of burden but someone who deserves to please themselves for once. Help and encourage others to be more independen­t as this is a journey you have long needed to travel. Be your own person, not someone else’s. Your Luck: Trying to please everyone? Save your time and energy. When was that ever possible?

Cancer June 22 – July 22

Feeling a wee bit jumpy? Maybe there’s just too much to do right now? Grab that blank sheet of paper and get listing! It may be hard to decide what to prioritise. Just put everything down and then number for importance. You’ll be surprised how much smoother the week is when you have a plan. Now, where will you put that item for relaxation and fun? Your Luck: Pacing yourself may seem counter-intuitive but you will get to the same place in the end.

Scorpio October 24 – November 22

Expecting someone to show a bit more cooperatio­n and appreciati­on? That may come later in the week. In the meantime try not to get frustrated or angry. This would only smack of desperatio­n. Be it business or personal, play it cool. Still, while waiting for others to act, start to think about the next big thing. There’s no harm in being one step ahead. Your Luck: New knowledge midweek can be very helpful in getting what you want. Choose your time.

Aries March 21 – April 20

A somewhat confusing week and one in which you’re pulled in different directions. The good thing is that it’s only you doing the pulling! Don’t be so hard on yourself. There are things to be sorted out, for sure. Even so, cut yourself some slack, please. Finances need careful thought but anything is possible with the right (practical) approach. Your Luck: New plans need a new confidence. That can be hard. Are you really passionate about what you want?

Leo July 23 – August 23

A busy weekend? Give yourself a break this week and start slowly. You’ll get twice as much done if you let that brain get into gear! In a creative time you may be asked to take part in an exciting project. Resist the urge to say you’re too busy. Who knows what fun could be missed! No, this is a week to try new things and meet new people. Go for it. Your Luck: Sometimes a leap ahead comes right after a slow start. A bit of thinking can lead to a new approach.

Sagittariu­s November 23 – December 21

This week, being in a sensitive position emotionall­y, the words of others seem louder. Why is it that we hear criticism so much louder than praise? Think back to when you felt more confident. Was it only last week? So, time to blot out those negative words and listen to your heart. This is your life and you know how you want to live it. Let it show! Your Luck: A boost to your courage midweek comes from an unexpected source. Encourage enterprise!

Taurus April 21 – May 21

Simply going over those confused thoughts won’t make you feel any better. This is a time to slowly get those thoughts together and not rush at things. Ask someone who is old enough to know the answers. Don’t think that a loved one won’t give you backup. Do you honestly not realise how loved you are? No harm in sharing problems to find that solution. Your Luck: Remember that two heads can be better than one. Don’t let pride stop you asking.

Virgo August 24 – September 23

So, another week! Another beginning for all of those jobs, challenges and personal demands that jump out of the morning. See if you can change the pattern that leads to frustratio­n and dissatisfa­ction. Start this time slowly, plot and plan. Aim to get more done in less time. How? Delegate! Let others take their share of the load. It will do them a big favour. Your Luck: Try not to get frustrated when others seem slow. The right time will see you shoot forward.

Capricorn December 22 – January 20

As this is a time to follow your heart, it’s not possible to please everyone. Those who expect you to act a certain way will be disappoint­ed. The only director you need this week is governed by your own needs and desires. By the time the weekend comes you should feel stronger and more determined. Who is the star of this particular drama anyway? Your Luck: It is said that life is what you make it. This has never been more the case for you than it is now!

Gemini May 22 – June 21

If you can’t leap into the future in the way that you want to, then live for the present. Enjoy each day until things are clearer in your mind. Let your partner shine a light on the here and now. It’s really not so bad. Seeking perfection? Maybe, but is that really what you need? The future may be more open than you’d like at the moment but that also gives you opportunit­ies. Your Luck: Believe in yourself and the fact that you deserve and will find what you need.

Libra September 24 – October 23

So often content to sit in the background, this week you should pin your colours to the mast. Hold your beliefs and opinions strongly. Don’t let others speak for you when you have such fire in your heart. I know you prefer to keep life smooth and peaceful, but sometimes there’s a need to speak out. There’s no need to offer solutions, just make yourself heard. Your Luck: A crisp and clear mind is your best ally. Take in that fresh air and a more humorous approach.

Aquarius January 21 – February 19

Having met with some annoying delays to plans recently you are now wanting to go full steam ahead. That is great. Consider that you will get so much more done if you plan ahead. Indeed, doing so saves you both time and money! A partner may need convincing that you are totally in control (especially of finances). For a smooth ride, polish up that charm! Your Luck: A small hiccup midweek just goes to show how important it is to voice your demands loudly.

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