Wicklow People

Master your Mind to prepare for your exams


THE mocks are over, done and dusted. How do you feel you did, are you happy? Do you think that you could have worked harder? Here are some tips that might help you achieve your goals.

Nutrients to support normal mental performanc­e and cognitive function include Omega 3 Oil, B vitamins, and Choline. B vitamins also help with energy levels and can help the body deal with stress. Zinc also contribute­s to normal cognitive function. Mastermind from Revive Active contains all of these important nutrients in a one a day sachet.

I love the idea that students only need to take three sachets per week, Mon, Wed, Fri. This can be enough to help your master your mind! One box of thirty sachets will last you three months.

Have a plan, a schedule that works for you. If like me, you’re a morning person, then maybe getting up half an hour earlier in the morning might help?

Have a healthy diet, and eat regularly to avoid blood sugar drops, and energy slumps.

Keep hydrated. Lack of hydration can affect energy levels, concentrat­ion, and can cause headaches.

Sleep. This is so important. If you’re not sleeping, consider why. Is it stress, worry, or anxiety that keeps you awake? Sometimes it can be that you’re overtired and then you can’t sleep when you get to bed. Whatever the reason, try to find a solution. There are lots of natural remedies that can help.

Parents, what about that messy desk? My son’s desk was a mess, full of clutter, chaos. It blew my mind. But no talking to him about it changed his mind. Then, one day, he showed me some article online about how a messy desk, supports creativity. What could I say? Besides, his results proved his point. So maybe it’s not worth stressing about the small stuff ?

Mastermind is the perfect way to prepare for a long day of study. If you’re a mature student you may need to take one sachet per day.

I take Mastermind from time to time to support cognitive function and I have to say that I do find that I am more alert and have better recall.

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