Wicklow People

Supplement­s to help support the immune system


IF we had an event or performanc­e we would prepare for it, we wouldn’t expect to be able to do well without practice or preparatio­n. So why would we expect excellence from our immune system if we don’t take measures to ensure that it is functionin­g as best it could.

A healthy diet and good quality sleep will support how effectivel­y your immune system will perform. Reduce foods that deplete the body of nutrients like sugar, alcohol, and highly processed foods. Eat plenty of antioxidan­t rich foods which are found in fruit, berries, seeds, and vegetables. These are the first steps to a healthy immune system.

Here are some of my favourite supplement­s to help support the immune system, and to help deal with viral infections; Echinacea, Elderberry, Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, and Beta Glucans.

Echinacea is a popular herb. Its main function is to improve how effective your immune system is at spotting the bad guys, and how efficientl­y the immune system will respond to the invaders that cause viral, bacterial, or fungal infections. Echinacea is traditiona­lly used to prevent infectious disease by ensuring that your body is ready to respond to pathogens. Choose a high strength quality brand.

Beta Glucans may prevent viruses impregnati­ng the cells by putting a shield around the cell wall. They may help regulate, and stimulate the immune system making it more efficient at killing off the bad guys.

Elderberry, a traditiona­l herbal remedy, is a well-known antiviral herb, also used for respirator­y infections.

For optimum protection, I would definitely combine supplement­s for example you could take Echinacea with Vitamin C, D, or Zinc. Or the same with the Beta Glucans you could combine them with vitamin D or Elderberry for optimum protection.

Call into your local health food store to find out more about supplement­s that you can use for children and adults. They won’t be able to make you any promises but at least you’ ll have done the best you can to prepare your immune system to be ready to fight any possible invasions of pathogens.

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