Wicklow People



SHEEP SALES - JUNE 30: A busier day at the Mart today. Very good trade for all classes, with butcher & factory lambs better by €4 to €5 head on last week. Super trade for all types of store lambs.

Butcher Lambs €114 to €120 or €65 to €70 over €/ kg. Factory Lambs €100 to €114 or €60 to €68 over €/kg. Store Lambs over 35kgs €84 to €98 or €49 to €56 over €/ kg. Store Lambs under 35kgs €55 to €83 or €33 to €52 over €/kg. Fat Ewes €105 to €125 per head. Feeding Ewes €79 to €103 per head.

CATTLE SALES - JULY 2: A similar sale to last week with trade remaining largely unchanged.

Continenta­l Store Bullocks €460 to €745 over €/kg. HE/ AA Store Bullocks €330 to €575 over €/kg.Fr Store Bullocks €145 to €315 over €/kg. Continenta­l Store Heifers €385 to €630 over €/kg. HE/ AA Store Heifers €300 to €475 over €/kg. Beef Cows €240 to €470 over €/kg. Feeding Cows €125 to €240 over €/kg.

Excellent selling trade for all types with a full clearance and a top price of €1760 paid for a 824kg PTx Cow. A Lm Heifer with heifer calf at foot sold at €2,020.

Prices: Continenta­l Beef cows €1,210 to €1,760 €1.58 to €2.14/kg; Continenta­l store cows €840 to €1,270 €1.55 to €2.11/kg; Friesian Beef cows €880 to €1,360 €1.28 to €1.55/kg; Friesian store cows €470 to €860 €1.02 to €1.44/ kg cows with calves at Foot €1,110 to €2,020; Stock bulls €1,150 to €1,820.

CATTLE AND CALF SALE - JUNE 27: Large entry of 870 cattle & 120 calves. Very good selling trade for all classes with strong demand for both beef and stores.

Beef and Forward bullocks €1,260 to €1,760 €1.95 to €2.32/kg. Continenta­l store bullocks €870 to €1,380 €1.98 to €2.73/kg. Hd / Aa bullocks €660 to €1,140 €1.85 to €2.22/ kg. Friesian bullocks €560 to €970 €1.35 to €1.78/kg. Weanling bulls €650 to €1,100 €2.05 to €2.92/kg. Beef heifers €1,070 to €1,630 €1.91 to €2.41/kg. Continenta­l store heifers €670 to €1,300 €2.05 to €3.17/kg. Hd / Aa store heifers €580 to €960 €1.82 to €2.17/kg.

Calves: Continenta­l bulls €230 to €460; Continenta­l heifers €170 to €390; Hd / Aa bulls €155 to €360; Hd / Aa heifers €130 to €250; Friesian bulls €125 to €190.

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