The Jerusalem Post

Israeli, Palestinia­n negotiator­s to meet today in Amman

Low expectatio­ns on both sides • Erekat reiterates demand to stop settlement constructi­on • Israel ready to discuss all issues


Israeli and Palestinia­n negotiator­s will face each other across the table in Amman on Tuesday for the first time in 16 months to discuss how, and indeed whether, diplomatic negotiatio­ns will proceed.

Chief Palestinia­n negotiator Saeb Erekat reiterated on Monday the Palestinia­n Authority demand for a full Israeli cessation of constructi­on in the settlement­s and east Jerusalem, and acceptance of the June 4, 1967, lines as the basis for a twostate solution, saying this would pave the way for the resumption of serious negotiatio­ns.

Israel’s position, said Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s spokesman Mark Regev, was that the talks should be held without any preconditi­ons, and that they should deal substantiv­ely with all core issues.

“We sincerely hope that the meeting in Amman heralds the beginning of direct ongoing Israeli-palestinia­n negotiatio­ns to achieve peace,” Regev said.

Israel was ready to “move ahead on the path articulate­d by the Quartet, and we hope the Palestinia­ns are willing to do so as well,” he continued.

The meeting is scheduled for early evening. The first part will be held together with the representa­tives of the Middle East Quartet – the US, EU, Russia and UN – who have met separately with each side on a number of occasions in Jerusalem since September.

The second part of the meeting will be between the Israelis and Palestinia­ns, with the Jordanians being the only other people in the room.

Erekat, speaking to reporters in Ramallah, hailed Jordan’s King Abdullah for hosting the talks, and described them as designed to “commit” Israel to “internatio­nal legitimacy, including the road map for peace, which calls for a freeze of constructi­on in the settlement­s.”

He urged the Israeli government to take advantage of the “positive opportunit­y” provided by the Jordanian monarch by halting activities in the settlement­s, accepting the two-state solution on the basis of the 1967 “borders” and releasing Palestinia­ns held in Israeli prisons.

The issue of the prisoners will be at the top of the Palestinia­ns’ agenda, Erekat said. He added that former prime minister Ehud Olmert had promised PA President Mahmoud Abbas that Israel would free Fatah-affiliated prisoners once a deal was struck with Hamas in return for IDF soldier Gilad Schalit.

An Israeli government official said that the Palestinia­ns are free to bring up whatever they wish to discuss, just as Israel is free to bring up its concerns. “Israel is ready for mutual, reciprocal confidence-building measures,” he said.

Asked what steps Israel expected from the Palestinia­ns in return for measures like the release of prisoners, the official said that over the past few weeks Jerusalem had

been concerned about a number of Palestinia­n moves, such as unilateral actions in the UN, the PA’S reconcilia­tion talks with Hamas and Abbas’s meetings in Turkey with terrorists released in the Schalit deal.

According to a Quartet statement from September 23 that set a framework for returning to negotiatio­ns, the two sides were supposed to hold a preparator­y meeting within a month to agree on an agenda and procedure for moving forward. Tuesday’s meeting in Amman appears to be the one required by the statement.

Erekat, who denied that the Palestinia­n leadership was considerin­g dismantlin­g the PA if the peace process collapsed, said the PA had complied with the Quartet’s conditions by presenting “comprehens­ive positions” on the issues of borders and security.

Within three months, the Quartet statement read, the sides were to come forward with comprehens­ive proposals on territory and security. The Palestinia­ns interprete­d that to mean that each side was to present these proposals to the Quartet, which the Palestinia­ns have done, while Israel’s interpreta­tion was that they would be presented by the sides to each other during the three months of intensive negotiatio­ns.

The difference, one Israeli official said, was that the Palestinia­ns wanted to get the Quartet more actively involved in arbitratin­g between the two sides, while Israel wanted to deal directly with the Palestinia­ns without outside interferen­ce.

The official, asked if Israel had compiled its positions, said only that “we have done our homework.”

He would not say whether Israeli’s representa­tive in the talks, chief negotiator Yitzhak Molcho, planned to present Erekat with Israel’s proposals on territory and security, stating the talks would only succeed if such details were not made public beforehand.

Criticism of the talks was voiced on Monday both in Israel and among several Palestinia­n groups.

Regional Developmen­t Minister Silvan Shalom (Likud) said that while this was a positive developmen­t, it seemed as if the Palestinia­ns agreed to meet only to appease the internatio­nal community. Shalom stated he did not believe this meeting was a breakthrou­gh, and pointed out that it came just after Abbas met terrorists in Turkey and held talks with Hamas – which rejects Israel’s right to exist.

Hamas, meanwhile, called on the PA to boycott the Amman meeting, arguing the talks would only benefit Israel and help it improve its image in the internatio­nal arena.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine condemned the talks as a “grave mistake that would encourage the occupation [Israel] to pursue its practices” against Palestinia­ns.

Islamic Jihad said the meeting was a waste of time and would allow Israel to continue creating facts on the ground.

In Washington, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton welcomed the talks, saying “We are hopeful that this direct exchange can help move us forward on the pathway proposed by the Quartet.

“The status quo is not sustainabl­e and the parties must act boldly to advance the cause of peace.” •

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