The Jerusalem Post

On eve of Iowa vote, Republican­s talk tough on Iran

- • By HILARY LEILA KRIEGER Jerusalem Post correspond­ent

BOSTON – Republican candidates offered strong words on Iran on Monday – the day before Iowa holds the first vote for the GOP presidenti­al nomination.

“We need to have our missile systems capable and ready to deliver. We need to send a very strong signal that the United States is on high alert and we will do whatever it takes,” Rep. Michele Bachmann of Minnesota told The Early Show on CBS.

“What we need to do is take a very aggressive posture toward letting Iran know that we mean business, that we don’t want them to seek a nuclear weapon,” she said.

Bachmann also criticized US President Barack Obama for putting distance between America and Israel, endangerin­g the Jewish state in the face of the threat from Iran.

The Islamic Republic testfired two long-range missiles on Monday and announced over the weekend that it had produced its first nuclear fuel rod, after Obama tightened sanctions on the country on Saturday. Iran has also threatened to close the Straits of Hormuz in light of the sanctions.

Bachmann’s comments followed Rick Santorum’s own harsh comments on Iran on Sunday. The former US senator from Pennsylvan­ia told NBC’S Meet the Press that the message to Tehran should be, “You either open up those facilities, you begin to dismantle them and make them available to inspectors, or we will degrade those facilities through air strikes.”

Santorum has seized the momentum in the open and unwieldy political field in Iowa, which will hold its caucuses on Tuesday night, in the US’S first vote for delegates who will choose the Republican presidenti­al nominee. He has been among the candidates vying for the support of Evangelica­l Christians, who have until now alternated their support among the many staunch social conservati­ves in the race.

Bachmann wooed them first, with a win at the Iowa straw poll in August, but Texas Gov. Rick Perry and former House of Representa­tives Speaker Newt Gingrich have also been leading candidates at various times.

This weekend, a Des Moines Register survey, considered one of the most reliable for the notoriousl­y hard-to-poll caucuses, gave Santorum 15

percent, up from the single digits he had until recently. But pollsters for the newspaper noted that in the last two days of the four-day-long poll, Santorum had captured upwards of 20% of the vote – placing him within spitting distance of the 24% backing enjoyed by front-runner Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachuse­tts.

The same poll found support for US Representa­tive Ron Paul of Texas at 22%, though other polls in recent weeks put him in first place. But in the space of the four days the Des Moines

Register poll was conducted, Paul began at a high of 29% and ended at 16%.

Several analysts attributed this decline to his controvers­ial views on foreign policy, as well as newsletter­s written under his name in the 1990s that had negative comments about Jews, blacks and gays. Paul has denied knowledge of the content of the newsletter­s.

Paul, a Libertaria­n, is the only candidate who has minimized the threat posed by Iran and has not espoused strong financial and military support for Israel, an issue on which he has been attacked by several of his competitor­s.

Bachmann told CBS, “I took Ron Paul to task because his foreign policy is very dangerous. He says that he has no problem with Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon,” adding, “This is going to be one of the largest issues of this campaign.”

Paul’s campaign manager, Jesse Benton, who appeared on MSNBC, dismissed the falling poll numbers, saying that the team’s internal polling still showed Paul finishing strongly.

The Republican race has been marked by its fluidity, with at least seven front-runners at different times, according to various polls.

“It’s the most bizarre nominating process I’ve seen in American politics,” veteran democratic strategist James Carville said on CNN Monday.

With just days to go before the Iowa vote, the Des Moines Register poll found that 41% of expected caucus-goers still hadn’t made up their minds. Though Romney and Santorum have both picked up speed, the number of undecided voters is large enough to scramble the results once again.

Caucuses are traditiona­lly a tricky process to prognostic­ate upon because the contour of the vote is so different from the traditiona­l quick stop to a polling booth, as will take place in the first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary on January 10. In a caucus, voters need to congregate in person at one appointed place, often a church, school or other municipal building, and spend hours debating and casting their votes. Supporters of candidates who don not pass the vote threshold reapportio­n their vote as part of the process.

Another wrinkle is added by independen­ts, who can register as Republican just to participat­e in the caucus. Anne Selzer, an Iowa pollster, estimated that about one-fifth of Iowa caucusgoer­s on Tuesday would be independen­ts, noting that the Des

Moines Register had included this group in its poll numbers. Independen­ts were likely to favor the more moderate Romney or the libertaria­n Ron Paul, she said.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? MICHELE BACHMANN

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