The Jerusalem Post

‘Settlers’ and computers


Wow! Susan Hattis Rolef actually said something nice about “settlers” (“On Microsoft and a wedding in Gush Etzion,” Think About It, June 6)!

I usually start reading her columns, but about a quarter of the way through, I give up because she is so anti anything to do with the religious public. But she actually had a good time in Gush Etzion at a wedding, and compliment­ed us! I will definitely frame this column and put it on my wall. The Messiah is on his way! SHELLEY BLOOM Elazar My thanks to Susan Hattis Rolef for her timely words about Microsoft and the forcing on customers of Windows 10, and to you for publishing them.

I had the same experience in rejecting the Windows 10 offer. Now I find that I no longer have a word-count option, amidst other changes. As a battered old journalist who sometimes sends an article to the papers and is in the midst of writing a novel, I was shocked by this sudden disappeara­nce of something I have had on every computer for 30 years.

I am now acting urgently to get my novel to safety somewhere.

DAVID SHAW Jerusalem

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