The Jerusalem Post

Peres’s legacy is a nation

- • By STEPHEN HARPER (Reuters)

Few world leaders can claim a presence at the moment of their country’s birth, but Shimon Peres could, and it was this remarkable beginning that infused his long subsequent career with such depth and wisdom.

To speak to him was to be humbled, for it was to sit in the presence of a man who had not only lived through his nation’s War of Independen­ce, but done reconnaiss­ance for it.

A man who had not merely served as head of the Defense Ministry, but oversaw the very creation of his nation’s armed forces. A man who had not just met the leading statesmen of the last century – David Ben-Gurion, Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Konrad Adenauer, Ronald Reagan – but worked firsthand with them.

Peres’s ability to serve in so many different capacities over the course of so many different decades under so many different administra­tions – negotiatin­g a peace agreement one moment only to be tasked with curbing inflation the next – was a testament to his ability to transcend the myopic world of politics for a life of genuine public service.

No matter his title, a deep moral constancy lay beneath, born from an incorrigib­le faith in the Zionist dream and a vision of a confident, Jewish state that was successful at home and at peace with the world. He was Israel’s indispensa­ble man, a leader whose participat­ion in the political arena was driven not by what would bring personal glory, but what his country needed done.

And to be sure, glory was often not forthcomin­g. To speak of his career is to speak of a life in which defeat and setback consistent­ly accompanie­d success and progress. There were lost arguments, lost battles and lost elections – but never lost hope.

He was handed endless opportunit­y for a quiet and dignified exit from public life and declined every time, knowing his cause, which was nothing less than the survival of a nation, was one for which no holiday could be justified.

Even in his final years as president, an office Israeli political culture traditiona­lly expects to be more seen than heard, he remained an activist, refusing to accept that even his nation’s highest honor could be anything but a platform from which to continue his life’s labor.

I had the privilege of meeting Peres several times during my own career in public service. In addition to his immense worldlines­s and invaluable historic perspectiv­es I was always struck by his personal dignity and depth of character.

He was wise without being arrogant, stoic without being grim, and witty without being frivolous. He radiated the rare, quiet confidence of a person who has explored life in all its complexiti­es and challenges and located its reservoirs of hope.

For those who dwell beyond its borders, Israel itself is a reservoir of hope – a promise, however contested, that peace and liberty can survive under even the most inhospitab­le of circumstan­ces so long as there are those willing to defend it. The biography of Shimon Peres is an essential chapter in this inspiring story of human achievemen­t.

The author was the 22nd prime minister of Canada.

 ??  ?? THEN-PRESIDENT Shimon Peres and Canada’s then-prime minister Stephen Harper shake hands before their meeting at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem in 2014.
THEN-PRESIDENT Shimon Peres and Canada’s then-prime minister Stephen Harper shake hands before their meeting at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem in 2014.

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