The Jerusalem Post

Israel, not the West, stands for internatio­nal law


After the death of Shimon Peres, BBC radio’s flagship current affairs show Today interviewe­d Israel’s ambassador to the UK, Mark Regev. The presenter persistent­ly suggested to him that Peres’s record as a peacemaker ran contrary to Israel’s subsequent record of failure to make peace with the Palestinia­ns, and that the absence of a two-state solution was all the fault of Benjamin Netanyahu.

Her questionin­g reflected the grotesque false assumption underlying Western hostility toward Israel: that if only it wasn’t so belligeren­t there would be peace. Repeatedly challenged with this claim, Regev refused to engage. Instead he mouthed platitudes about how Peres would always have answered such a question with hope and optimism about a peaceful solution.

This was a missed opportunit­y. The overwhelmi­ng requiremen­t for Israel is always to nail the big lie behind the questions thrown at it.

Regev should have said that the reason for the absence of a two-state solution was displayed last week at the UN, where the Palestinia­n leader Mahmoud Abbas made a speech expressing hostility to Israel’s very existence.

He falsely presented the Jews of Israel as squatters in the Palestinia­ns’ own land. He even demanded that Britain apologize for the 1917 Balfour Declaratio­n, which first committed Britain to reestablis­h the Jewish homeland in what was then called Palestine.

Through this declaratio­n, said Abbas, Britain had given “without any right, authority or consent from anyone, the land of Palestine to another people.”

This prepostero­us speech was notable for three things. First, it rewrote the Jews out of their own history by fabricatin­g an entirely fictitious Palestinia­n story. The only people for whom the Land of Israel and the disputed territorie­s have ever been their national kingdom are the Jews.

Second, Abbas blamed Israel for his own people’s aggression and murderous violence over the Temple Mount.

Third, his speech showed that the Palestinia­ns’ complaint is not about the absence of a state of their own. It is about the existence of Israel which they want gone.

The full speech received no mainstream coverage in the West. Abbas could be confident, however, that it reflected two entirely false Western beliefs: that Israel acts in contravent­ion of internatio­nal law, and that the land originally belonged to the Palestinia­ns.

With the West duly softened up, Abbas is thought to be planning a maneuver at the UN. He says he will be pushing a UN Security Council resolution against the settlement­s. What worries Israel more is the rumor that President Obama will refuse to veto a proposed French UN resolution recognizin­g a Palestinia­n state.

If Obama does this, the US will be complicit in tearing up internatio­nal law and bringing into being a terrorist state whose existentia­l purpose is the exterminat­ion of Israel.

As the internatio­nal law expert Prof. Eugene Kontorovic­h argued in The Washington Post in September, the proposed French measure repudiates UN Security Council Resolution 242, passed in the wake of the Six Day War. Resolution 242 represente­d a territoria­l compromise, with Israel agreeing to cede some but not all the territorie­s it seized during the Six Day War in return for peace.

According to Kontorovic­h the French resolution, which would push Israel back behind the 1949 “Auschwitz” armistice lines, would repudiate 242 and amount to “a fundamenta­l reversal of 50 years of Middle East diplomacy.”

Instead of a negotiated settlement, the US would therefore not only be aiding the unilateral imposition of a new terrorist entity in the Middle East but would also show its contempt for internatio­nal law.

In fact the US, Britain and Europe have long displayed this contempt by supporting the big lie that Israel behaves illegally or belligeren­tly.

The West maintains that Israel occupies Palestinia­n territory in the “West Bank.” This is untrue. There has never been any “Palestinia­n territory.”

Israel’s presence in the disputed territorie­s cannot be legally defined as an occupation. Under the Hague and Geneva convention­s, an occupation can only take place on sovereign land. The territorie­s were never anyone’s sovereign land.

Israel is furthermor­e entitled under internatio­nal law to continue to hold onto them as a defensive measure as long as its Arab aggressors continue to use them for belligeren­t ends. The West says Israel’s settlement­s are illegal. This is also untrue. In the 20s, the Mandate for Palestine gave Britain the legally binding duty to settle the Jews throughout what is now not just Israel but the disputed territorie­s too. That Jewish right has never been abrogated.

The Geneva convention­s, cited as the reason the settlement­s are illegal, prohibit an occupying power from transferri­ng people en masse into occupied territory. This was drafted after World War II to prevent any repetition of the Nazis’ forced displaceme­nt of peoples. Israelis resident in the disputed territorie­s, however, have not been transferre­d but moved there through their own free choice.

Kontorovic­h has looked at every modern example where occupied territorie­s have been settled. In none of them did the internatio­nal community denounce such action as illegal or demand that settlers had to vacate the land as a condition for peace or independen­ce. If world powers asked the occupying force to withdraw, they referred only to the army and not the settler population. The only exception has been Israel.

The West makes a fetish of internatio­nal law. Yet it denounces Israel, the one Middle East state that upholds it. It’s time to call out the US, Britain and Europe for aiding the repudiatio­n of law and justice and thus helping promote the Arab agenda of exterminat­ing Israel.

Melanie Phillips is a columnist for The Times (UK).

 ?? (Reuters) ?? PA PRESIDENT Mahmoud Abbas addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York last week.
(Reuters) PA PRESIDENT Mahmoud Abbas addresses the United Nations General Assembly in New York last week.
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