The Jerusalem Post

Trump: ‘Stay tuned’ for secretary of state

US president-elect flirts with reports that Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil chief, leads race for post • Trump dismisses CIA report on election hacking as ‘ridiculous’

- • By MICHAEL WILNER Jerusalem Post correspond­ent

WASHINGTON – The race for Donald Trump’s most visible and prestigiou­s cabinet post is playing out like a reality television show, with candidates strutting in public before their ultimate judge – the president-elect – and rising and falling in his favor by the day.

After one of his most loyal advocates and confidante­s on the campaign trail, former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani, took himself out of the running last week, former Republican presidenti­al nominee Mitt Romney appeared to lead Trump’s highly public race for secretary of state. But a twist appeared, seemingly overnight: A dark horse, Rex Tillerson, CEO of oil and gas giant Exxon Mobil and a foreigner to governing and diplomacy, has suddenly topped the pack.

He comes with the sort of gravitas that Trump greatly admires – Tillerson is a selfmade man who rose through the ranks at Exxon with a University of Texas bachelor’s degree in civil engineerin­g. But he also comes with tremendous baggage in the eyes of many senators on Capitol Hill, on whom he would rely for confirmati­on.

Tillerson’s only foreign policy experience is in lobbying against climate change as establishe­d science on behalf of the fossil fuel industry and in negotiatin­g a massive oil deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin – a deal that has been halted due to US-led sanctions on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine and annexation of Crimea. Tillerson would be responsibl­e for

maintainin­g, or lifting, those sanctions.

There will be only 52 Republican­s in the 100-member Senate, and at least three are already publicly questionin­g Tillerson’s qualificat­ions: Marco Rubio of Florida, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and John McCain of Arizona. “Being a ‘friend of Vladimir’ is not an attribute I am hoping for from a secretary of state,” Rubio said on Sunday.

Tillerson was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship in 2013.

Trump took to Twitter on Sunday to address word that Tillerson had already secured the job, which originated from an NBC News report.

“Whether I choose him or not for ‘State’ – Rex Tillerson, the chairman & CEO of ExxonMobil, is a worldclass player and dealmaker,” he wrote. “Stay tuned!”

NBC also reported that Trump would like John Bolton, a hard-liner on Iran who served as US ambassador to the UN under George W. Bush, to serve as deputy secretary of state under Tillerson.

The president-elect spent much of the rest of the day responding to a

Washington Post report that the CIA has concluded that Russia actively worked to help elect him, through the hacking and leaking of Democratic Party documents over the course of the 2016 presidenti­al campaign.

“Nobody really knows, and hacking is very interestin­g,” Trump told Fox

News on Sunday. “They have no idea if it’s Russia or China or somebody [else]. It could be somebody sitting in a bed some place.”

“Ridiculous,” he added, of the CIA’s assessment. “I don’t believe it.”

While the CIA believes that Moscow was actively working in Trump’s favor, other agencies question whether Putin’s government was simply working to undermine faith in American democracy. Neverthele­ss, 17 US military and civil intelligen­ce agencies have concluded that Russia was behind the hacking of the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton campaign. •

 ?? (Mike Segar/Reuters) ?? US PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald Trump arrives in Baltimore, Maryland, on Saturday.
(Mike Segar/Reuters) US PRESIDENT-ELECT Donald Trump arrives in Baltimore, Maryland, on Saturday.

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