The Jerusalem Post

Pakistan denies identity papers to bin Laden doctor’s family

Physician helped CIA collect DNA samples of terrorist’s relatives


PESHAWAR (Reuters) – Pakistan has denied identity cards to the family of Shakeel Afridi, the jailed doctor believed to have helped the CIA hunt down Osama bin Laden in 2011, blocking college enrollment for his children, their lawyer said on Friday.

Afridi was accused of treason after word spread that he had helped the CIA collect DNA samples of the bin Laden family, paving the way for a secret US Navy Seal raid that killed the al-Qaida leader in the town of Abbottabad.

He was arrested days after the US operation – which Pakistan protested as a violation of sovereignt­y – and charged with aiding terrorists.

Now Afridi’s 19-year-old daughter and 21-year-old son have been denied national identity cards, essential documents for Pakistanis, said Qamar Nadeem, the family’s lawyer in the northweste­rn city of Peshawar.

Nadeem said Afridi’s children required identity cards for college enrollment, but authoritie­s refused to issue them because their father had been barred from leaving the country.

“Afridi is in jail and his name has been put on the exit control list,” Nadeem said. “I don’t understand how he can escape from jail and leave the country.”

The lawyer said he had received no response to his letters to the National Database and Registrati­on Authority, which issues the cards, and the Interior Ministry.

“Getting an identity card is a fundamenta­l right of every citizen and if NADRA or the Interior Ministry refuse to issue them, we will approach the Peshawar High Court for Justice.”

An Interior Ministry spokesman told Reuters it had not blocked the applicatio­n. Reuters was unable to reach a representa­tive of the database authority for comment.

Last May, Pakistan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs angrily criticized US President Donald Trump for a comment during his election campaign that he could get Pakistan to free Afridi “within two minutes.”

After Trump was inaugurate­d last month, Pakistan’s law minister vowed not to release Afridi despite any US pressure.

Afridi’s wife Imrana Ghafoor has been living at a secret location with her two sons and a daughter, for security reasons. His lawyers have also received threats from terrorist groups. One of his lawyers, Samiullah Afridi, was gunned down by unknown men in Peshawar in March 2015.

Nadeem is now the sole lawyer willing to represent Afridi.

Afridi, initially charged with having links to terrorist groups, was sentenced to a 33-year jail term, but his conviction was overturned in 2013. Pakistan then charged the doctor with the death of a patient from eight years earlier.

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