The Jerusalem Post

Bezalel Academy fosters design talent among students with disabiliti­es


The shrapnel that exploded into Asaf Ventura took a lot away from him: His right hand and torso were shredded, and his thoughts were scattered. He was unable to fire his gun, swing his tennis racket or maintain focus.

But over time, Ventura came to realize he also had gained something from the wounds he endured during a 2002 mission with his army unit in the West Bank. He had a new perspectiv­e that turned out to serve him well as an industrial designer.

“I remember in the hospital thinking, ‘I’m only 22 and I’ve lost my body and my looks. I can’t do any of the things I used to do,’” he told JTA. “As a designer, though, I learned I have an advantage. My work comes from my feelings, and I know what it is to suffer and to have a disability. I can use technology to create things that other people wouldn’t think of.”

Ventura went through years of intensive and painful rehabilita­tion to regain control of his body and mind. Only then, at the age of 28, was he able to enter the prestigiou­s Bezalel Academy of Art and Design in Jerusalem. Now 35, he credits his experience at the school with enabling him to turn his struggle into creativity.

“This is where everything came together, my past and the tools they gave us at the academy,” he said. “They demanded a lot of me, but they supported me and brought me back to real life. I learned from the best teachers and collaborat­ed with really talented people.”

Bezalel, a 111-year old mainstay of the Israeli art world, is known for producing top-notch talent in a variety of fields. The school also prides itself on promoting an inclusive creative process for people with disabiliti­es.

About a decade ago, Bezalel started a class in industrial design for people with special needs. Over the years, students have created costumes that encourage children to move during physical therapy; air-cushioned prosthetic legs with superhero designs; fashionabl­e clothes that people with limited range of movement can easily get on and off.

Bezalel, in December, won the $50,000 Ruderman Prize in Inclusion, which recognizes organizati­ons that foster the full inclusion of people with disabiliti­es. The Ruderman Family Foundation has been awarding the prize for the past five years; this year the $250,000 was split among five organizati­on.

“We loved the fact that Bezalel is a very well-known art and design school and not a disability organizati­on. Yet they still choose to include people with disabiliti­es in what they do,” said Shira Ruderman, the Israel director of the Ruderman Family Foundation. “We think they are an example of how Israel can use innovation to change the Israeli mind-set on disability.”

With the prize money, Bezalel will launch two undergradu­ate courses next fall in “inclusive design.” The school has begun awarding scholarshi­ps – worth more than $1,000 each – to students whose final projects are in inclusive design.

For his final project, Ventura built a floating gym for people rehabilita­ting from injuries. Over the six month-plus process, he was helped by some of the people who were part of his own rehabilita­tion. Madatech – the Israel National Museum of Science, Technology and Space, where he interned for two years before Bezalel – let him use its tools and space. And wounded soldiers at Beit Halochem Haifa, the army center where he did more than four years of intensive rehabilita­tion, helped him test his designs in the training pool.

“In the pool, people can do all kinds of things they wouldn’t be able to do otherwise,” Ventura said. “They are lighter, of course. But also, they don’t have to feel ashamed of their bodies. Underwater, nobody can see your scars.”

The July before Ventura’s graduation, Bezalel displayed the gym, which he dubbed the Venduza (a portmantea­u of his last name and “meduza,” Hebrew for jellyfish), along with hundreds of other students’ art and design projects.

He went on to found a company called Left Hand Design, aiming to bring the Venduza to market. Ventura now lives with his father in Haifa and has taken out loans to produce an upgraded prototype of the gym. He is looking for investors. In the meantime, Ventura also works part-time at Madatech, where he designs exhibition­s.

Avital Sandler-Leoff, the director of JDC-Israel Unlimited – a partnershi­p between the American Jewish Joint Distributi­on Committee, the Ruderman Family Foundation and the Israeli government – said not all people with disabiliti­es are able to find the support Ventura did.

But, she said, Israel’s embrace of hi-tech has driven progress on inclusion lately and institutes of higher education have the potential to take the lead.

“There are more and more places like Bezalel, where a new generation of young people are saying, ‘We want to be part of society. Let us contribute,’” Sandler-Leoff said. ( JTA)

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