The Jerusalem Post

The power of movies to change our hearts

- By VERNON E. JORDAN JR. Vernon E. Jordan Jr. is a senior managing director at Lazard Freres & Co.

When I was a child in Georgia, my mother would say, “drink some water now,” and “use the bathroom before we go,” so that when we got downtown, we would not have to drink from the water fountain for colored people, or use the segregated restroom.

Recently, when I saw “Hidden Figures,” a remarkable film about three African-American women at NASA that takes place in the early 1960s, powerful moments throughout the movie transporte­d me back to those days.

In the movie, the character played by Octavia Spencer tells her children, while they are sitting at the back of a bus, that she’s a taxpaying citizen and has a right to take a book from the library. I could hear my mother’s voice in Spencer’s character. When we sat in the rear of the streetcar, she would say to my brothers and me, “Just because you have to sit in the back here doesn’t mean those white people up front are better than you.”

But it was easy to get that impression. In my high school band, I played a beat-up E-flat tuba handed down from one of the white high schools. In 1952, my plane geometry book was a tattered volume first used by white students in 1935, the year I was born. The per-pupil expenditur­e in the Atlanta schools was four times greater for white children than for us.

Division has always been a product of assumption — assuming that our story is the only story, or that our lives are harder than someone else’s, or that people who don’t look like us don’t have the right to live and work for the American dream.

But no matter how divisive life in this country may become, the movie theater has always been a place where we can rediscover what unites us. That remains true today. And it helps that audiences are more diverse than ever, not just in terms of what they look like, but in how they have experience­d their lives.

When I took my grandchild­ren to see “Hidden Figures,” the idea that black people had to use separate bathrooms and ride in the back of the bus seemed unimaginab­le to them. I was relieved they had not endured that kind of discrimina­tion. In fact, some of them have known life only with a black president. But it reminded me that when we enter a theater, we all carry our own experience­s with us.

Over a lifetime spent fighting on the battlefiel­d of civil rights, I’ve seen how movies can be one of the most effective weapons in our arsenal. As a young man, I marveled at Sidney Poitier challengin­g prejudice in “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” and giving as good as he got in “In the Heat of the Night.” When we see injustice from another perspectiv­e on the screen, it makes us more aware of real-life injustices around us.

“Hidden Figures” shows the complexity of prejudice from many angles. We see in stark clarity that the fights for women’s rights and civil rights have never been separate stories. These issues are intertwine­d and inescapabl­e — and that’s exactly how they should be viewed in and out of the theater.

Making progress on civil rights depends on a willingnes­s to dig into each of our pasts. Even small actions — something as simple as encouragin­g someone not to give up, or telling someone that their story matters as much as anyone else’s — can make a difference.

That’s true whether we’re hoping to reach outer space, or just a higher level of civility.

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