The Jerusalem Post

She was there


With regard to “Stabber kills British student on Jerusalem Light Rail” (April 16), I was just across the aisle from the door and saw what I thought was a man hitting a young woman. I heard yelling from other passengers. Within seconds, three male passengers jumped on the attacker, subdued and disarmed him. That was when I saw the knife.

I looked at the woman. She was standing near the door looking at me. She seemed so calm, but in shock. Other passengers signaled for her to move away from the door and walk toward them, which she did, calmly. As she stood with the other passengers, I felt relief in knowing that she was okay.

I did not want to leave the train right away; I felt as if I needed to stay there to see that the man didn’t hurt anyone else and that the woman was okay. I stayed until security got there. It was only later that I was told she did not survive the attack.

Why am I writing this letter? I want Hannah Bladon’s parents to know that I don’t think she suffered. She was not at any point crying or in pain.

I also want to say thank you to the brave passengers and off-duty policeman who tackled the assailant. Thank you for the quick response by the security guards, police and medical personnel. Thank you to the other passengers who signaled for Hannah to come toward them and for their immediate first-aid attempts.

Whether you are living, visiting or studying in Israel and away from your family, you are never alone because we, the Israeli nation, take care of each other. We have had to learn the hard way, but we know how to step up and help when crises happen. SHEILA SCHWARTZ Beit Shemesh

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