The Jerusalem Post

Trump’s Riyadh initiative is a game changer for Israel


Donald Trump has accomplish­ed more in 24 hours in Saudi Arabia then all American presidents combined in their past initiative­s with the Gulf oil states.

He has just united and empowered those countries against their common enemy, Shiite Iran. It’s the proxy deal of the century.

Barack Obama did the opposite – he betrayed an American, democratic ally and empowered an American enemy, Assad, with his liberal-left Shiite-leaning deals.

The Shiite-Sunni battle has taken the spotlight off Israel as the obstacle to peace in the Middle East. It is the best possible thing that could have happened to support Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s “red line” regarding Iran.

It will be an enormous help in dealing with the Syrian, Hezbollah and ISIS crises on Israel’s borders.

The new wars of the 21st century are economic wars. Broadway’s Middle East play is entitled “Show me the Money.” President Trump showed the Sunnis the money and money was the ultimate deal.

Netanyahu has accomplish­ed more than any other Israeli prime minister in building global alliances for Israel with TTP antiterror­ism technology to bring peace, including bonds in Saudi Arabia. Now Trump has taken Netanyahu’s strategic objective and put it on steroids.

Wars of the 21st-century are also ideologica­l wars. The speech in Riyadh defined the terms of the debate. He who defines the terms controls the debate.

Israel cannot win ideologica­l wars on its own. The ultimate branding genius is in Jerusalem – Donald Trump.

Perception is reality, especially in the Middle East. Israel has become the collective target for Jew-haters, and President Trump is attempting to rebrand Israel.

Ultimately, at the end of the day, only two men can solve the problem – Benjamin Netanyahu and Donald Trump. Solving the problem will be a lot easier if Israel does not have to exhaust its resources dealing with the crises with Iran, Syria, and ISIS and the economic global crisis caused by BDS, Jew-haters and Gulf Sunni states funding terror against Israel.

Dr. Mike Evans is the founder and chairman of the Friends of Zion Heritage Center in Jerusalem and a member of the Trump Founding Faith Board

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