The Jerusalem Post

Identity, diplomacy and nationalis­m: Are we really better than the UAE?

- • By STEVEN AIELLO The author is founder and co-director of Debate for Peace.

It seems that half of Israel is up in arms over the lack of sportsmans­hip shown at the Abu Dhabi Judo Grand Slam in October. Israeli athletes were not allowed to have any national emblems shown and the conference organizers refused to play Israel’s national anthem for the Israeli medalists. It’s a sad day when politics trumps diplomacy.

I can relate. In 2012 I traveled to Dubai to participat­e in an internatio­nal competitio­n. As a Model UN student I represente­d Egypt, but at the Global Village fair my friend and I hoped to bring some Israeli representa­tion to the UAE. Unfortunat­ely we were stopped by the conference organizers, who were concerned about running afoul of authoritie­s.

Such censorship doesn’t work. I used social media to share my presentati­on with fellow participan­ts, many of whom were from countries with which Israel lacks full diplomatic relations. And we had many fruitful and thoughtful discussion­s during and following the conference. Countries can ban flags and anthems, but through interperso­nal relationsh­ips, ideas and debates can still flow.

But beyond the frustratio­n and the righteous indignatio­n, we as Israelis should use this opportunit­y to look in the mirror and ask whether we are really much better. To some it is sacrilege to even ask that question; it’s a basic Israel advocacy talking point that we are the only democracy in the Middle East, lack a partner for peace, are a beacon of light. As a liberal democracy, Israel does have much to teach its neighbors. But when it comes to nationalis­m and acceptance on a societal level, we too have a ways to go.

Running Jewish-Arab Model UN conference­s over the past few years, I’ve gotten a special insight into many communitie­s throughout Israel. I’ve had many interestin­g experience­s, some positive and some negative, but all opportunit­ies to learn. One of these was the “flag incident” – when the Palestinia­n flag was removed from a row of flags to avoid controvers­y at a Jewish school hosting a conference.

Of course such controvers­ies cannot really be avoided, and removing the flag didn’t end the debate. But we learned from this, and now require that schools hang the Israeli and Palestinia­n flags side by side at the entrance. If that necessitat­es a school-wide discussion on the two-state solution or national identities, all the better. If IDF generals and Israeli government representa­tives can sit at a table with the Palestinia­n flag and shake hands with their counterpar­ts, then surely our schools can handle a simulated discussion. Or so one would hope.

In reality, I’ve been sorely disappoint­ed. Not by the Arab schools in Israel, who leap at the opportunit­y to host conference­s. No, as a Jewish Zionist, I’ve been disappoint­ed by Jewish schools who hem and haw and ultimately decide that it’s easier to hide flags in classrooms than explain to the student body that the Palestinia­n flag can hang side by side with the Israeli flag, that simulated negotiatio­ns toward lasting peace with our neighbors is a good thing.

It seems a fundamenta­l educationa­l failure – we need to teach future generation­s to do better than current leaders, yet even relatively progressiv­e, pluralisti­c schools can’t meet minimal standards of diplomacy that the Israeli government manages.

I wish this were an aberration. Overwhelmi­ngly, hesitancy to participat­e in interfaith and coexistenc­e programs comes from Jewish families – parents who don’t want students going to Arab cities or schools, who don’t see the value, or harbor fear or skepticism. This isn’t a hard and fast rule, but on the whole the Arab parents I deal with, from Beduin villages south of Beersheva to towns all over the north, are enthusiast­ic about sending their children to have lunch in my sukka, to attend Friday night synagogue services, and certainly to make Jewish friends. To a significan­t degree the same enthusiasm is replaced by fear and skepticism on the Jewish side.

I believe the Arab behavior in Israel is a reflection of the choice made to live within a shared society, to maintain linguistic, religions and cultural heritage while fully participat­ing in higher education and the national economy which necessitat­es full interactio­n with Jewish peers and colleagues. And as the majority, Jewish Israelis don’t have to make that choice. But we should.

It’s wrong to prevent Israeli athletes from wearing the Israeli flag at an internatio­nal event. But we have our own issues to deal with at home, like educating for peace, and improving our own society. It’s easy to share a headline and blame someone else. It takes far more courage to look in the mirror and question our own willingnes­s to have open discussion­s about identity, nationalis­m and inclusiven­ess, or to take a bus to a town several hours away to learn about someone who is a little different than you. In that regard, we have a lot of work to do.

 ?? (Reuters) ?? DUBAI CROWN PRINCE Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is seen inside the flying taxi in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in September.
(Reuters) DUBAI CROWN PRINCE Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum is seen inside the flying taxi in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in September.

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