The Jerusalem Post

For evangelica­l leader, Trump now like ‘Cyrus’

Mike Evans launches massive campaign thanking US president for embassy decision


When Mike Evans, a prominent Christian Zionist and one of US President Donald Trump’s first high-profile backers in the evangelica­l community, meets the president Monday as a member of his evangelica­l advisory board, he will say three words to him: “You are Cyrus.”

Evans – who was responsibl­e during Trump’s visit in May for covering Jerusalem in billboards calling on him to fulfill his promise to move the US Embassy – said on Wednesday that he will congratula­te Trump for his decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and relocate the embassy. “And I am going to tell him that he is Cyrus the Great,” he said, “just like Truman.”

Former US president Harry Truman was in office in 1948 and recognized the State of Israel just minutes after it was declared.

Evans also launched a new campaign following Trump’s announceme­nt that he would move the embassy with a massive “God Bless Trump” spread out on billboards as high as four stories from the bridge in front of the Knesset to downtown Jerusalem.

After leaving office in 1953, Truman was honored by The Jewish Theologica­l Seminary in New York. When his good friend and ex-business partner Eddie Jacobson introduced him as someone who “helped create the State of Israel,” Truman corrected him and said, “What do you mean ‘helped to create?’ I am Cyrus.” His reference was to Persian King Cyrus the Great who allowed the Jews – exiled to Babylonia after the destructio­n of the First Temple – to return to the city to rebuild it.

Trump is the first American president to publicly say Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and tell the State Department to make plans to move the embassy, Evans noted enthusiast­ically. As such, he said, Trump, too, is Cyrus.

Evans denied being surprised by the announceme­nt. “No, we knew what his plan was,” he said. “I knew that he would give a speech and recognize Jerusalem – he is doing what Israel needs him to do.”

Among the reasons often cited for Trump’s decision to take these steps now is a desire to appeal to his voter base, which includes millions of evangelica­ls for whom this issue is important.

Evans said Trump did not take this step to “lobby our base,”’ because “he already has the evangelica­l base.” In fact, Evans said, 36% of Trump’s voters in the last elections were evangelica­ls, a community that came out to vote in 2016 in record numbers.

But, Evans was asked, if Trump had not fulfilled his pledge to recognize Jerusalem and move the embassy, would he lose those voters in the future?

“Yes, maybe not so much today, but a promise is a promise, and we believe him.”

The president, Evans said, “was elected because of the evangelica­l vote. Without the evangelica­l vote he would not have won the presidency – we gave him the presidency. He made a promise to us, and we knew he would keep that promise.”

Trump, he declared, “loves evangelica­ls, loves God, and loves Israel.”

 ?? (Courtesy) ?? MIKE EVANS placed copies of this banner throughout Jerusalem during US President Donald Trump’s visit in May.
(Courtesy) MIKE EVANS placed copies of this banner throughout Jerusalem during US President Donald Trump’s visit in May.
 ?? (Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) ?? MIKE EVANS
(Marc Israel Sellem/The Jerusalem Post) MIKE EVANS

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