The Jerusalem Post

Discount honored for leading economy

- • By MAAYAN HOFFMAN (Sivan Farag)

Discount Bank received the “Leading Bank for Economic Growth” award on Wednesday at the annual Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference.

Post CEO Ronit Hasin-Hochman presented the award.

The bank in recent years has boasted the highest growth rates in the banking system in every business parameter and, according to surveys, is on the path to becoming the leading bank in customer satisfacti­on.

Discount recently completed a strategic planning process under the leadership of chairman Dr. Yossi Bachar and CEO Lilach Asher-Topilsky that resulted in a change in its organizati­onal culture to a customer-centered model. At the center of these efforts is a focus on digitizati­on and new technology.

Discount’s banking now focuses on connectivi­ty, “smart banking” and “open banking.”

“We live in such an exciting time – a time of change, innovation and advances, a time of transition from traditiona­l to new,” said Discount CFO and head of strategy Ziv Biron at the conference. “We are lucky to be ‘JERUSALEM POST’ editor-in-chief Yaakov Katz (left) and CEO Ronit Hasin-Hochman (right) present an award to Discount Bank’s CFO and head of strategy, Ziv Biron, at the Jerusalem Post Diplomatic Conference on Wednesday. here in Israel... We take pride in being a leader in adopting and collaborat­ing with the fintech (financial technology) industry in Israel.”

According to Biron, Discount will soon make available to its customers a smart banking robot – the ability to communicat­e with bank personnel via a messaging applicatio­n like WhatsApp. It will also be providing its customers banking services from third-party platforms and partners, such as iCount, a leading online accounting system, and PayBox, Israel’s first and leading peer-topeer and group payments app.

“At Discount Bank, our mission is to enable our customers to reach their financial freedom and fulfill their dreams and desires,” said Biron. “This has been our passion and the source of our success.”

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