The Jerusalem Post

Protecting kippot


It was not just moral indignatio­n that propelled Angela Merkel to denounce last week’s attack on a kippa-wearing young man in Berlin, though there was undoubtedl­y that as well.

Merkel is vividly aware that each terrorist attack, each sexual assault, each antisemiti­c incident perpetrate­d by a Muslim immigrant in her country instantly translates into an indictment of her liberal immigratio­n policy.

In September’s election, Merkel’s center-right Christian Democrats (CDU) and the center-left Social Democrats, the “grand coalition” that ran Germany for the previous four years, suffered their worst results since the creation of the Federal Republic in 1949. So did the CDU’s Bavarian sister party, the Christian Social Union.

The parties’ decline coincided with the rise of the right-wing nationalis­t Alternativ­e for Deutschlan­d, which received almost 13% of the vote. Not since the Deutsche Rechtspart­ei, or German Right Party, did it in 1949, has a hard-right party received enough votes to enter the Bundestag. This achievemen­t in keeping the hard Right out was largely attributab­le to Germany’s aggressive reckoning with its Nazi past.

Yet Germany’s immigratio­n crisis has enabled the AfD to ride a wave of discontent among voters with Merkel’s grand coalition and its immigratio­n policies. Germans are understand­ably feeling overwhelme­d by the influx of around a million Muslim immigrants in recent years. Of particular concern is the fear that too many Muslim immigrants bring with them an Islamist ideology that justifies violence, such as the 2016 truck ramming in a Berlin Christmas market that killed 12 and wounded 56, and the mass sexual assaults against about 1,200 German women on New Year’s Eve 2016 in Cologne, and attacks against Jews on the streets of the country’s largest cities.

It was in the wake of the Christmas and New Year’s Eve attacks that AfD’s popularity swelled and CDU’s dropped.

Merkel vowed that her government would respond “with full force and resolve” against expression­s of antisemiti­sm. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas tweeted that “Jews shall never again feel threatened here.”

The irony is that if Merkel’s grand coalition fails to convince Germans that it is adopting a more reasonable immigratio­n policy and that it is protecting German citizens – including Jews – from immigrant violence, the AfD, which is not just anti-immigratio­n and anti-Muslim platform, but also opposed to German’s purported self-flagellati­on over its Nazi past, could rise in popularity and set loose right-wing antisemiti­sm that makes life for Germany’s Jews even more unpleasant than it already is.

A large turnout at a mass rally in Berlin protesting the attack on the kippa-wearing youth would send an important message. A demonstrat­ion of solidarity in which thousands of non-Jewish Germans wear kippot alongside Jews is a powerful statement against antisemiti­sm.

But such demonstrat­ions have only a temporary impact. The immigratio­n crisis, and Merkel’s treatment of it, is crucial to the fight against antisemiti­sm. It would not be an exaggerati­on to say that combating antisemiti­sm in Germany, whether of the right-wing, left-wing or Islamist version, hinges on the continued success of moderate parties like Merkel’s CDU and the Social Democrats. And success depends on adopting a more reasonable immigratio­n policy.

Merkel has succeeded in remaining chancellor for 12 years in part thanks to her ability to co-opt the policies of her political opponents, which has the effect of dampening their appeal and increasing her own. But immigratio­n appears to be Merkel’s blind spot. Abandoning her characteri­stic pragmatism, she seems to have been overcome by a laudable, but unrealisti­c, desire to erase Germany’s past mistakes by showing a boundless magnanimit­y toward Muslim refugees and asylum-seekers.

Merkel has the very best of intentions. Germany’s economy is strong. The stability of the European Union, a bulwark against extremism, nationalis­tic chauvinism and Russian expansioni­sm, depends on Germany. It would be tragic if Merkel allowed the immigratio­n crisis to be her downfall. And it would be a tragedy not just for Germany’s Jews but for the entire EU project.

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