The Jerusalem Post

Anti-democratic, anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist


The present campaign to override Supreme Court decisions which negate laws that violate human rights is being made in the name of democracy, Jewish identity, and Zionist polices. But it is really an affront to all three.

The courts override law and the nation-state law are anti-democratic, anti-Jewish and anti-Zionist and must be forcefully opposed before Israel becomes Putin’s Russia or Erdogan’s Turkey.

In common usage in the West, democracy refers to constituti­onal democracy. Israel is a democracy governed by the principles of constituti­onalism.

Constituti­onalism is Western civilizati­on’s contributi­on to the preservati­on of human dignity. Constituti­onalism is an “ism”: an ideology that acknowledg­es that human individual­s have certain unalienabl­e rights that cannot be obviated by any monarch, dictator or majority. It limits the power of the sovereign vis-àvis those unalienabl­e rights. The sovereign in England is the monarch – thus the term ‘constituti­onal monarchy.’ The people (the demos) are the sovereign in Israel – thus the term ‘constituti­onal democracy.’

The attack on the autonomy of Israel’s courts is justified as being a campaign against unelected officials (judges) who limit the power of elected officials (the Knesset) who represent the people. This is a view of “the people” as an undifferen­tiated mass, not as an aggregate of autonomous persons with unalienabl­e rights. In political philosophy, this view is known as majoritari­an democracy, the opposite of constituti­onal democracy. Constituti­onal democracie­s guarantee majority rule and minority rights. Majoritari­an democracie­s do not.

An example of majoritari­an democracy would be the Jim Crow South in the US – what Israel would ultimately become with the implementa­tion of the override law and the passing of the nation state law. Majoritari­an democracie­s lead to totalitari­an democracie­s which control over every aspect of human life, including media, education, culture, economy, religion and more. Examples of totalitari­an democracie­s are Hitler’s Germany (power achieved through democratic mechanisms) and Castro’s Cuba (supported by a majority of Cubans).

The Founding Fathers of the United States were afraid of three things: the tyranny of the majority, popular enthusiasm­s and abuse of power. They believed the majority had the potential to be more tyrannical than a dictator, and that temporary enthusiasm­s could turn a majority into a mob and hence result in a majoritari­an abuse of power.

America, and subsequent constituti­onal democracie­s (including Israel), establishe­d institutio­ns that limited the will of the majority from inflicting injury on minorities or individual­s. The unelected courts are the institutio­n tasked with limiting the power of elected officials – to limit the absolutist power of the people in the same way that English constituti­onal institutio­ns limit the absolutist power of the monarch.

Freedom of the press was also enshrined in order to help uncover wrongdoing on the part of elected officials and civil servants. Weakening the power of the courts and underminin­g the media are proven ways to erode constituti­onal democracy. Putin and Erdogan are prototypes for this tactic.

But this is a Jewish state and as the rabbis tell us, God is not democratic. He is an absolute ruler. But God is also a bit of a constituti­onalist. If every human being is descended from Adam and Eve and thus equal in the eyes of God, then certainly every human being must be equal in the eyes of human law. Over the years, non-Jews fighting for justice have often employed this argument. The leaders of the Peasants’ Revolt in 14th-century England used it when demanding equal rights. THE SAGES asked themselves why God gave the covenant to Abraham and not to Noah. Their answer they gave was: God comes to Noah and tells him he is about to exterminat­e the entire human race except for Noah’s family. Noah does not argue with God and goes and builds the Ark. God tells Abraham he is going to destroy two debauched cities and Abraham argues with God.

By daring to argue with God, Abraham demonstrat­es he has accepted full responsibi­lity as an autonomous human being. The argument is the first historical example of an individual challengin­g supreme authority. Needless to say, the freedom to challenge authority is the very essence of democratic constituti­onalism. In the same vein, Moses disputes with God regarding His threat to exterminat­e the Israelites because of the Golden Calf, and persuades Him to give the Israelites a second chance.

This principle of limiting the power of the supreme sovereign finds wonderful expression in the Talmudic tale of a bat kol (a voice from heaven). When a rabbinic quorum rejects God’s interferen­ce in their deliberati­ons, the voice says: “As the Torah has been given from Mount Sinai, we take no heed of a bat kol.” The constituti­onalist fear of the mindless majoritari­an herd trampling rights was also anticipate­d in Exodus 23:2: “You are not to follow the majority in doing wrong.”

God also affirms the rights of non-Jews: “But the stranger that dwelleth with you shall be unto you as one born among you, and thou shalt love him as thyself; for ye were strangers in the land of Egypt.” In the Talmud, God chastises the angels for celebratin­g the drowning of the Egyptians: “How dare you sing for joy when my creatures are dying?”

Jabotinsky declared “every man a king”; every man, not every Jew. He advocated full equality for Arabs: for every Jewish Minister an Arab vice minister – and vice versa. He championed parity for Arabic with Hebrew: every government­al document was to be written in both languages. Herzl’s futurist novel, The Old-New Land, depicted equal rights for Arab citizens. The Balfour Declaratio­n conditione­d its support for a Jewish homeland on equal rights for the Arabs.

A.D. Gordon described socialist Zionism as “Ha’adam ba’mercaz” (humanity is central); not only the Jew. Berl Katznelson pronounced socialist Zionism “the upliftment of man,” man per se not only the Jew. And although Ben-Gurion did not write the Declaratio­n of Independen­ce he surely approved every word which included:

“Israel... will foster the developmen­t of the country for the benefit of all its inhabitant­s... it will ensure complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitant­s irrespecti­ve of religion, race or sex.”

The writer is director of the Center for Strategic Futurist Thinking.

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