The Jerusalem Post

Family Time Crossword



1. Assist someone in a criminal activity 5. (K) Flower supporter 9. (K) Stuff from maple trees 12. Vague memory 13. (K) Toy on a string 14. (K) Top pilot 15. (K) Run, but not seriously 16. (K) More than just want 17. (K) That girl 18. Of a certain culture 20. (K) Supporter for an artist’s work 22. (K) Peculiar 23. (K) Small brook 25. (K) Make a silly mistake 27. Stare at impolitely 29. (K) The majority of an amount 33. Weapon kept in a silo (2 words) 36. Drive or reverse, e.g. 37. (K) Dinner plate 38. Substance used in soap-making 39. Black gem 41. (K) Light switch position 43. Web-footed rodent 46. (K) Balloon filler 49. Roman eggs 50. Sideless cart 53. (K) Goad on 54. (K) One ___ person 55. (K) Disinfecta­nt target 56. (K) William who split an apple with an arrow 57. (K) The ___ (movie finale) 58. (K) Like 202 and 1,990 59. (K) Change a story for the better


1. (K) Capable and prepared 2. (K) Ink stain 3. (K) Incredible feeling of happiness 4. Current fasion 5. (K) Match audio and video 6. (K) It gets socked? 7. (K) Organ of vision 8. (K) Display clothes by wearing them 9. Bratty talk 10. (K) Have a throbbing pain 11. (K) Lemon covering 19. (K) Run a car without moving 21. Poor box contents 23. Audio makeover 24. “Bearded” flower 25. (K) Hen’s output 26. Regret 28. (K) Whirling waters 30. Like some boilers 31. (K) Clever like a fox 32. (K) Little wooden thing on a golf course 34. (K) Bit of rain 35. “If the ___ fits” 40. (K) Gentle reminder 42. (K) Slender instrument 43. Deal with a tough situation 44. (K) Heating place in the kitchen 45. (K) Play area 46. (K) Song sung in church 47. Large fruit from Jamaica 48. (K) Go from ice to water 51. (K) Crank up an engine 52. “We ___ not amused”

Can you find the answer to this riddle within the solved puzzle? Call Don Juan?


 ??  ??

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