The Jerusalem Post

Rubashkin arrives in Israel to give thanks for release


Sholom Rubashkin, the former chief executive of the largest kosher slaughterh­ouse in the US who was convicted of bank fraud and money laundering, is currently in Israel and visited the Western Wall Friday morning.

Rubashkin, who is from the Chabad community, was convicted in 2009 of defrauding two banks that had provided his business, Agriproces­sors, with loans, while charges relating to the use of illegal immigrants were eventually dropped and he was acquitted of charges regarding the use of child-labor.

He was given a heavy sentence of 27 years imprisonme­nt for his crimes, but the sentence was commuted by US President Donald Trump in 2017 after he had served eight years, citing bipartisan support for his release, including from four former attorneys-general and 45 members of Congress.

Rubashkin’s trip to Israel is his first since he was released and he arrived in the country on Thursday.

He attended a “Sheva Brachot” celebratio­n following the wedding of Rabbi Eliezer Sorotzkin, head of the Haredi Independen­t Education System on Thursday night where he made some remarks about his visit.

“I came to the Holy Land to give thanks at the Western Wall for the great miracle, and to thank all those who prayed for my release,” Rubashkin said at the event, the Chabad On Line news website reported.

“Faith and trust in God brings about the redemption, and we are here at the celebratio­n of the bride and groom who embrace and unite the hearts of Israel and brings the redemption closer,” he said.

On Friday morning, Rubashkin visited the Western Wall and was photograph­ed helping another visitor put on tefillin.

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