The Jerusalem Post

Curb the imperious Supreme Court


easonablen­ess” is authoritar­ian jargon that allows justices to substitute their own sensibilit­ies for law and government decision-making. I am a reasonable guy, but I am just about fed up with the Supreme Court. It has gone beyond the limits of “reasonable” interventi­on in Israeli political and public life with its ever-expanding scope of super-subjective decision-making.

In normal democratic societies there are elected parliament­s that set legal norms based on society’s limits of acceptable or reasonable behavior and the communal values that lie behind them. Not so in Israel. We have Supreme Court President Esther Hayut, who follows in the footsteps of former chief justice Aharon Barak.

Barak’s Supreme Court effectivel­y stripped Israeli law of any inherent meaning and created complete legal mayhem. There are no truths, no absolute values, no clear-cut legal precedents. Past legal experience is no guide; political decisions have no intrinsic validity. Anything is “justiciabl­e,” which means that everything from tax to defense policy is subject to the reproach of the High Court of Justice (which is the Supreme Court sitting in judgment of the government).

The whole enchilada is subject to the personal prejudices and individual inclinatio­ns of the enlightene­d members of the highest bench. They hold the gavel and decide according to their own scale of propriety.

The court has developed a series of mumbo-jumbo, infinitely pliant concepts to justify this takeover.

“Reasonable­ness” is a term that runs like a computer virus through the High Court’s decisions over the past two decades. It is authoritar­ian jargon that allows High Court justices to elasticall­y apply their own sensibilit­ies; to socially re-engineer Israeli society. In their enlightene­d image, of course.

“Substantiv­e democracy” is another newfangled term that Barak concocted (as opposed to pedestrian “functional democracy” where the ballot box is supreme). This means the court takes on itself a madeup responsibi­lity to set “substantiv­e” norms and “standards of decency” for public life and to apply “broad interpreta­tions” of the law to fit its own perception­s of “values,” “balance” and “equality” – even if the law books don’t contain any such terms or prescripti­ons.

Given the current makeup of the court, decisions that employ such supple and flexible principles invariably are skewed in favor the liberal side of the political spectrum.

And thus, the court has ruled in recent years with a liberal fist on allocation of KKL-JNF land, Palestinia­n residency rights in Israel, rights of foreign converts to citizenshi­p, haredi (ultra-Orthodox) draft deferments and stipends to yeshiva students, commerce on Shabbat and more.

Further back, Barak’s High Court ruled it “unreasonab­le” to close the Palestinia­n Authority’s headquarte­rs in Jerusalem, despite the affront to Israel’s sovereignt­y in Jerusalem occasioned by its operation.

The court ruled it “unreasonab­le” to compromise and close Bar-Ilan Street in Jerusalem for several hours on Shabbat, despite the fact that a public committee of prominent religious and secular Jews – which was far more representa­tive of Israeli society than the court! – had found otherwise.

Fortunatel­y, both these lamentable court decisions were later circumvent­ed by the government.

The court found it “unreasonab­le” religious Jews be allowed to pray on the Temple Mount because this would disturb the Arabs and require a massive police presence. On the other hand, the court found it “reasonable” to allow the Women of the Wall to pray in a manner offensive to most worshipers at the Western Wall despite the disturbanc­e involved and the massive police presence require to make it feasible. Get it?

It was “unreasonab­le” to give distinguis­hed editor Shmuel Schnizter the Israel Prize because of one offensive column he wrote over the course of a sterling 30-year career in journalism. But it was “reasonable” to give Meretz leader Shulamit Aloni the Israel Prize despite a 30-year career which specialize­d in attacking and offending the religious public.

It was found “unreasonab­le” that religious-Zionist Jews operate “acceptance committees” to maintain distinctly homogeneou­s small communitie­s even though is this basic libertaria­nism, not discrimina­tion. But it is “reasonable” for Bedouins and Arabs to operate “acceptance committees” because they are considered “distinct” and apparently more-kosher communitie­s by the Court.

It was “reasonable” for the Central Elections Committee to ban the right-wing and anti-Arab Otzma Yehudit Party from running in the three last election campaigns, said the High Court. But it was “unreasonab­le” to disallow the anti-Israel Joint List from running, including some of its openly pro-terrorist candidates, like MK Heba Yazbak and Haneen Zoabi.

So it was again this week when the High Court of Justice struck down the 2017 Settlement­s Regulariza­tion Law as “unconstitu­tional,” because it impinges on the land rights of absentee Palestinia­ns and mere cash compensati­on is not sufficient. But it was okay to crush the rights of Israeli Jews and expel them from their homes in Gush Katif with a few pennies of compensati­on. (The court refused to intervene in that matter).

So it was two weeks ago when the court struck down the latest version of an immigratio­n/deportatio­n law pertaining to infiltrato­rs and refugees. So it may be when the court considers a petition to outlaw the new Alternate Prime Minister position.

So it may be when the court rules on the NationStat­e Law of 2018, which was passed as a “Basic Law” – meaning that it was meant as supra-Court constituti­onal legislatio­n. The court has no right to touch this. Neverthele­ss, Hayut has convened an 11-justice panel to judge the law’s “reasonable­ness.”

So it may be when the court rules soon on a petition from a group of professors to terminate all government funding for gender-separate haredi college programs. Accepting the petition would be a disaster for the slow but measurable movement of haredi men and women into the workforce – which is crucial for the Israeli economy and the future of our society.

What’s next? Well, would a decision by the government to extend Israeli law to security zones and all settlement­s in Judea and Samaria be a “reasonable” decision? How about the opposite decision – to dismantle all settlement­s? Or a cabinet decision to cut-off relations with the US? Which of these decisions would be “reasonable” and which not? The imperious High Court justices will decide, not the electorate, unless something changes.

I think it would be reasonable for the Knesset to legislate limits on the High Court’s reach; or at the very least, enact an override provision. Don’t you?

The writer is vice president of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, His personal site is davidmwein­

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