The Jerusalem Post

Don’t call it annexation


In a few weeks, Israel’s government will begin discussing extending Israeli law over parts of Judea and Samaria. Those who refer to this as “annexation” often decry it as an egregious violation of internatio­nal law, one that is sure to end any prospect for peace with the Palestinia­ns. Yet, even a simple reading of history reveals that it is the continued use of the term “annexation” – which, intentiona­lly or otherwise, effectivel­y denies the Jewish people the right to exercise sovereignt­y over our homeland – that is egregious, and actually makes peace an ever more remote possibilit­y.

There is no peace accord between Israel and the Palestinia­ns because the Palestinia­n Authority leadership refuses to acknowledg­e the Jewish people’s indigenous claim to the Land of Israel. The PA’s official statements and policies, as well as educationa­l textbooks and television programmin­g, attest to this. If the Jews are indeed European colonists, as the Palestinia­ns contend, then they must be expelled, much like the British, French, Ottomans and other colonial powers.

After decades of subjugatin­g his people to this indoctrina­tion, Mahmoud Abbas is too weak a leader to negotiate, and therefore clings to the fantastica­l and unrealisti­c maximalist demand for the full territory between the Mediterran­ean Sea and the Jordan River.

Those who use the term “annexation” subscribe, in whole or in part, to this Palestinia­n narrative. According to their logic, because Jews are foreigners, applying Israeli law to territory in Judea and Samaria is akin to annexation. However, as former prime minister Menachem Begin once stated, “You can annex foreign territory. You cannot annex your own country.”

For historical and legal reasons, Judea and Samaria is indeed Israel’s “own country.”

Israel’s historical claim to this territory dates back over three millennia. Ever since Moses led the Israelites to the Promised Land after the Exodus from Egypt, Jews have lived and exercised sovereignt­y in Israel. Even when the Romans sacked the Second Temple in 70 CE, Jewish communitie­s survived in Jerusalem and elsewhere in our homeland.

The return of the Jewish people en masse to the Land of Israel in the late 19th century and the creation of the State of Israel in the mid-20th century is not a story of a foreign people colonizing a foreign land, but one of a native people reuniting with their brothers and sisters in their ancient homeland.

Israel’s claim to Judea and Samaria is also codified in internatio­nal law. The 1920 San Remo Conference, which formed the basis for the League of Nations mandate system after the dissolutio­n of the Ottoman Empire, assigned the Mandate for Palestine to the British.

AS IT WAS British policy to “establish a Jewish national home” in Palestine per the 1917 Balfour Declaratio­n, the cause for a Jewish state became part of internatio­nal law. This carried over to the United Nations, whose charter recognized all existing internatio­nal treaties.

When the British abdicated control of Mandatory Palestine in 1948, the deed for the land transferre­d to a Jewish state, which became Israel following its declaratio­n of independen­ce. However, in the course of the Arab war against Israel, Jordan seized control of Judea and Samaria (an illegal act, per the UN Charter), renaming it the “West Bank” of the Jordan River, but ultimately relinquish­ed all claims upon signing a peace treaty with Israel in 1995.

No other state has a claim to historical sovereignt­y over Judea and Samaria, and no non-state actor can assert sovereignt­y over territory it has never possessed.

Extending Israeli law will also serve as a reality check against those who believe “annexation” will destabiliz­e the region. After liberating Judea and Samaria and unifying Jerusalem in the course of a defensive war in 1967, Israel extended sovereignt­y to the eastern part of its capitol city. Today, Jerusalem welcomes millions of visitors every year, and is a place people of all faiths can practice their religion in peace. Only under Israeli control has this been possible.

In 1981, in one of the most important acts of Begin’s career, Israeli extended sovereignt­y to the Golan Heights. That decision ensured Syria could no longer use the commanding heights to launch shells or send fedayeen raids into defenseles­s Israeli farming villages. Today, the Golan’s topography provides Israel a buffer against the Syrian civil war and an outpost to disrupt Iran’s attempts to send arms to its terrorist proxy Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Violence rages across the

Middle East because of Iran’s hegemonic ambitions, terrorist organizati­ons, inter-Arab rivalries, and a host of other reasons, but not because the Jewish state exercises sovereign control over its own territory.

With history and internatio­nal law on its side, and given the Palestinia­ns continued unwillingn­ess to negotiate with and recognize Israel as a Jewish state, Israel’s government will begin the internal discussion of how to apply sovereignt­y to our most ancient lands in Judea and Samaria. Those who decry it as “annexation” are doing nothing more than appeasing the Palestinia­n narrative and making peace ever more elusive. This puts them, to use their words, on the wrong side of history.

The writer is Israel’s permanent representa­tive to the United Nations. He previously served as a member of the Knesset from the Likud Party, as minister of science, technology and space, and as deputy minister of defense.

 ?? (Mike Segar/Reuters) ?? ISRAELI AMBASSADOR To the UN Danny Danon addresses the UN General Assembly in New York in 2018.
(Mike Segar/Reuters) ISRAELI AMBASSADOR To the UN Danny Danon addresses the UN General Assembly in New York in 2018.

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