The Jerusalem Post

Mossad used remote AI gun to kill Iran’s chief nuke scientist – ‘NY Times’ report


Iran’s chief military nuclear scientist and the father of its weapons program, Mohsen Fakhrizade­h, was assassinat­ed in November 2020 by the Mossad using a remote-controlled artificial intelligen­ce operated sniper machine gun, The New York Times reported on Saturday.

From the start, there has been controvers­y about how Fakhrizade­h was killed, but The Jerusalem Post can now confirm the accuracy of the Times report regarding the remote-controlled gun.

When he was assassinat­ed, multiple intelligen­ce sources told the Post that the killing of Fakhrizade­h might be as significan­t a setback to Iran’s pursuit of a nuclear bomb as the destructio­n of its Natanz nuclear facility in July 2020.

According to the report, “Iranian agents working for the Mossad had parked a blue Nissan Zamyad pickup truck on the side of the road connecting the town of Absard to the main highway. The spot was on a slight elevation with a view of approachin­g vehicles. Hidden beneath tarpaulins and decoy constructi­on material in the truck bed was a 7.62-mm sniper machine gun.”

“Around 1 p.m., the hit team received a signal that Mr. Fakhrizade­h, his wife and a team of armed guards in escort cars were about to leave for Absard, where many of Iran’s elite have second homes and vacation villas,” said the report.

Next, the report details how the sniper who took out Fakhrizade­h did so remotely from Israel, over 1,600 kilometers away, since the hit squad had long ago left Iran.

The gun which was used was a special model of a Belgian-made FN MAG machine gun attached to an advanced robotic apparatus.

It was smuggled into the country in small pieces over several months because, taken together, all of its components would have weighed around a full ton.

One new detail in the report was that the explosives used to destroy evidence of the remotegun partially failed, leaving enough of the gun intact for the Iranians to figure out what had happened.

Many of the above details were published by The Jewish Chronicle in a report in February, following contradict­ory reports in Iran, Israel and globally in November and December 2020 about whether a remote gun or a physical team was used.

At the time of the assassinat­ion, most senior Israeli defense and intelligen­ce media analysts leaned heavily toward the physical team theory, viewing the remote-gun scenario as disinforma­tion to throw Iran off the tail of catching the physical team.

At the time of the February report by the Jewish Chronicle, the Post was informed that the planning of the assassinat­ion which started in March 2020 was accurate, but that multiple aspects of the report, such as that it had set the Iranian nuclear program back five years, were inaccurate.

The Post can now confirm that the remote-gun portion of the Jewish Chronicle and now the Times report are accurate.

While all Israeli intelligen­ce and defense officials still praise the assassinat­ion for setting back Iran’s nuclear weapons program dramatical­ly, 10 months later and with the Islamic Republic an estimated one month away from producing sufficient enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb, the legacy of the operation is less clear.

The Post later reported that a publicly unknown man named “Farhi” replaced Fakhrizade­h, even as experts say he could not be fully replaced.

Some would say that the operation succeeded in throwing Iran’s nuclear program into chaos for some months, but that Tehran has long since recovered.

On the other hand, others say that even if Iran decides to move its uranium enrichment up to 90%, that is weaponized level, they still have to put together the other components of a nuclear weapon capability. These include tasks concerned with detonation and missile delivery. Fakhizadeh would have shone in these tasks and his loss will still be felt and slow down the ayatollahs.

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