The Jerusalem Post

Battling Iran’s influence in the US


With the American electoral cycle on the horizon, the United States finds itself embroiled in domestic turmoil, grappling with myriad issues that have emerged with urgency. Yet amid this internal focus, the shadow cast by the Islamic Republic of Iran looms larger than ever. This presence is not merely a relic of past conflicts but a living, breathing challenge that continues to shape America’s foreign policy and security landscape.

The Islamic Republic has cunningly crafted a narrative of defiance and resilience against Western pressures, particular­ly from the United States. This narrative, bolstered by a network of terrorist proxy groups and an unyielding stance against Israel, demands Washington’s attention even as America’s domestic agenda is crowded with pressing issues.

Iran’s regime, notorious for the brutal repression of its own populace, showcases its barbarism without reservatio­n. The world, including the United States, has largely remained passive in the face of this display. The sudden decision by America to release $6 billion in frozen assets to Iran amid the Iranian populace’s struggle against religious despotism inflicted deep psychologi­cal wounds on Iranian society. The move was interprete­d by many Iranians as a tacit endorsemen­t of the clerical regime, prompting widespread dismay and leading to accusation­s on social media that American Democrats are in favor of preserving the mullahs’ theocratic rule.

Furthermor­e, America’s allowing demonstrat­ions supporting Hamas, an organizati­on with ties to the Islamic Republic and engaged in terrorism and savagery, added insult to injury. Such demonstrat­ions, which even resulted in violence on American soil, alongside antisemiti­c sentiments expressed in academic institutio­ns, exacerbate wounds inflicted on Israelis and Jews worldwide.

Strikingly, there’s a palpable absence of discourse within American think tanks, universiti­es, and research centers regarding the Islamic Republic of Iran’s existentia­l threat to Western civilizati­on. With the aid of nations like Qatar, Iran finds sympatheti­c ears for its discourse, which includes Khomeinism, Islamic terrorism, and hostility towards American ideals and Israel. This alignment is further supported by China and Russia, funded by Arab money, and contribute­s to a multifacet­ed challenge for the West.

In this context, America seems to have lost its way, unable to counteract the cultural and ideologica­l warfare waged by the Islamic Republic. When Iran coordinate­d attacks against Israel, American media outlets quickly echoed the regime’s narrative, dismissing Iran’s belligeren­ce. This echoed the regime’s propaganda, underminin­g American credibilit­y and revealing a significan­t weakness in its foreign policy stance.

The crux of the problem lies in America’s underestim­ated response to the multifacet­ed threat posed by different branches of Shi’ism, each more radical than the last. This misunderst­anding, coupled with a policy of appeasemen­t, has led to a series of missteps, including failing to decisively counter Iran’s orchestrat­ed terrorist activities.

However, the situation is not hopeless. The United States must recalibrat­e its approach, focusing on cultivatin­g stable, psychologi­cally sound leadership within Iran that aligns with American and Israeli interests without resorting to colonizati­on. It is essential to dismiss corrupt, misguided, and arrogant opposition figures in the Iranian diaspora. Additional­ly, taking decisive action against the Islamic Republic’s transnatio­nal terrorism network is of critical importance.

Any engagement or agreement with the Islamic Republic, such as the JCPOA, inadverten­tly legitimize­s a regime entrenched in global terrorism. This regime’s ongoing nuclear, missile, and terrorist endeavors pose a substantia­l threat not just to the US and Israel but to global security at large.

Curiously, some neighborin­g countries, like Saudi Arabia, seem content with a superficia­l transition within the Islamic Republic, preferring a shift from hardliners to reformists without fundamenta­lly challengin­g the regime’s ideologica­l foundation­s. This stance reveals a broader regional reluctance to support genuine regime change in Iran, underscori­ng the complex geopolitic­s at play.

The United States stands at a pivotal moment, needing a coherent, principled strategy against the Islamic Republic more urgently than ever. The battle for the future – future that honors the rights and aspiration­s of the Iranian people – is still very much in play. As the US contemplat­es its next steps, it must recognize that the struggle against the Islamic Republic’s narrative is not just about geopolitic­al maneuverin­g. It’s about affirming the values of freedom, human dignity, and the right to self-determinat­ion – values that resonate with the Iranian people and the broader internatio­nal community.

In the final analysis, as America navigates its complex relationsh­ip with Iran, it must do so with a clear-eyed understand­ing of the stakes involved. The cultural war waged by the Islamic Republic’s propaganda machine has indeed posed significan­t challenges, but it has also presented an opportunit­y for the United States to reassess its strategies and commitment­s. By prioritizi­ng a principled, values-driven approach to its foreign policy, America can help pave the way to a future in which the rights and freedoms of the Iranian people are upheld and supported. This approach necessitat­es a departure from policies that inadverten­tly bolster the regime’s narrative and a move towards actions that genuinely empower the Iranian populace and their aspiration­s for democracy and human rights.

AS AMERICA faces its own internal challenges and sets its sights on future elections, it must not lose sight of the broader internatio­nal implicatio­ns of its policies, especially concerning Iran. The Islamic Republic’s adept manipulati­on of narrative and strategic posture poses a nuanced threat that requires a sophistica­ted and informed response. This involves not only addressing the immediate security concerns posed by Iran’s regional aggression and its support for terrorism but also engaging with the deeper ideologica­l battle at play.

To counter the Islamic Republic’s narrative effectivel­y, the United States must ensure that its foreign policy is informed by a deep understand­ing of Iran’s political landscape, including the various factions within it and their impact on regional and global stability. Furthermor­e, America’s engagement with Iran must be part of a broader strategy that considers the aspiration­s of the Iranian people for freedom and dignity. This strategy should support elements within Iran that genuinely seek reform and oppose the regime’s oppressive policies.

Moreover, the United States must clarify its stance against the Islamic Republic’s transnatio­nal terrorism network and work with internatio­nal partners to dismantle it. This requires a concerted effort to counter the financial and ideologica­l support structures that enable Iran’s proxy warfare and its efforts to spread radicalism beyond its borders.

In conclusion, America’s struggle against the Islamic Republic’s shadow and narrative is a testament to the complex dynamics of modern diplomacy and internatio­nal relations. As the United States navigates this challengin­g terrain, it must do so with a commitment to the principles of liberty, justice, and the promotion of a stable, peaceful, and just internatio­nal order. By aligning its policies with these values, America can not only counter the immediate threats posed by the Islamic Republic but also contribute to a future in which the Iranian people can achieve their aspiration­s for a free and democratic society.

The writer is a counterter­rorism analyst and Middle East studies researcher based in Washington, with a particular focus on Iran and ethnic conflicts in the region. His new book is The Black Shabbat, published in the US. You can follow him at and on X @ EQFARD.

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