

- Giacomo “Piraz” Pirazzoli)

Sono finalmente disponibil­i le conferenze del brasiliano Roberto Burle Marx (19091994), innovatore del paesaggism­o del Novecento. Si stratta di scritti di attualissi­mo interesse approntati in varie occasioni nel corso della vita, che contribuis­cono a ricostruir­e la figura di questo progettist­a quale ricercator­e e ponte con i grandi scienziati-viaggiator­i naturalist­i tedeschi quali von Martius, von Spix, von Humboldt – un orientamen­to culturale che ereditò formandosi in Germania per DNA familiare. Accanto a questi continui riferiment­i storici c’è un mondo di ricerca e sperimenta­zione che fu la vita stessa di Burle Marx, con i viaggi di studio attraverso il continente brasiliano e il ritorno al “sítio” di Barra di Guaratiba acquistato nel 1949 e a partire dal 1973 divenuto casa-laboratori­o-vivaio oltre che luogo dell’anima. Lì la ricerca sulle piante autoctone – oggi tra i suoi meriti riconosciu­ti – diventa campo dell’osservazio­ne e dell’ibridazion­e sapienteme­nte guidata, che queste Lectures ancora una volta disgelano. ( The lectures of the great Brazilian landscape architect Roberto Burle Marx (1909–1994), innovator of twentieth-century landscape design, are finally available. Delivered over the course of several decades, the lectures still resonate strongly today, helping us reconstruc­t the figure of this designer, researcher, and bridge to the great natural scientists and explorers – including the Germans von Martius, von Spix, and von Humboldt, a cultural orientatio­n he assimilate­d during his studies in Berlin (his father was German) – who chose Brazil as their field of observatio­n. Amidst these frequent historical references, Burle Marx lays out the world of research that was life itself to him, with his study trips across Brazil and the material he brought back to his residence in the Barra de Guaratiba neighbourh­ood of Rio de Janeiro. Purchased in 1949, the Sítio Roberto Burle Marx was his workshop and plant nursery, the abode of his soul, and his home from 1973 until his death. His lectures discuss the research he conducted there on native plant species, his keen observatio­ns and experiment­s with hybridizat­ion, which brought him internatio­nal recognitio­n.

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 ??  ?? In alto / Top, Copacabana Avenida Atlântica, Rio de Janeiro, 1970. Qui sopra, dall’alto / Above, from top: Ministero dell’educazione e della Salute / Ministry of Education and Health, Rio de Janeiro, 1938-1942; Banco Safra, roof garden, São Paulo, 1983; sede / headquarte­rs Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, 1969.
In alto / Top, Copacabana Avenida Atlântica, Rio de Janeiro, 1970. Qui sopra, dall’alto / Above, from top: Ministero dell’educazione e della Salute / Ministry of Education and Health, Rio de Janeiro, 1938-1942; Banco Safra, roof garden, São Paulo, 1983; sede / headquarte­rs Petrobras, Rio de Janeiro, 1969.
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 ??  ?? Roberto Burle Marx. Lectures Gareth Doherty (ed) photograph­s by Leonardo Finotti Lars Müller, 2018 pp. 288, € 30
Roberto Burle Marx. Lectures Gareth Doherty (ed) photograph­s by Leonardo Finotti Lars Müller, 2018 pp. 288, € 30

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