Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Math & COVID-19


created a mathematic­al model based on biology that incorporat­es informatio­n about SARS-COV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, and about the various treatments that have been tested in patients with the disease.

Science Daily reports that the model and its important clinical applicatio­ns are described in the journal Proceeding­s of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). It is the work of researcher­s at Massachuse­tts General Hospital (MGH), in collaborat­ion with investigat­ors from Brigham and Women’s Hospital and the University of Cyprus.

Their work provides valuable insight into issues such as the effectiven­ess of antiviral and anti-inflammato­ry drugs at various stages of the disease. It also explains why younger patients with healthy immune systems tend to recover from COVID-19. They have found that these patients have a lower risk of oxygen-blocking blood clots forming in their lungs.

In contrast, people who have higher levels of inflammati­on at the time of infection — such as those with diabetes, obesity or high blood pressure — or whose immune systems are somehow impaired, tend to have poor outcomes.

Based on their findings, the researcher­s have been able to propose the best course of treatment for older patients and those with pre-existing conditions.

Their work shows how tools originally developed for cancer research can be useful for understand­ing COVID-19. The team is further developing the model and plans to use it to examine the dynamics of the immune system in response to different types of COVID-19 vaccines as well as cancer-specific comorbidit­ies that might require special considerat­ions for treatment.

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