Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Sweet together, Stay together


THE most romantic day of the year is less than a week away, and most couples are still busy trying to figure out how to make this year just as special for their significan­t other in the face of rising novel coronaviru­s cases globally.

With a limit on safe outdoor activities that couples can engage in, more couples are exploring pandemic-friendly ideas, like cosying up for a romantic dinner at home or movie night with their favourite snacks. And, while these may be ideal ways to spend your evening, how about you consider adding a fun, healthy element to your day with a couple’s workout session? After all, couples who gym together get trim together.

Up to the task, but not sure where to start? No worries! Personal trainer and fitness guru Gisel Harrow has the perfect workout session for you and your quarantine valentine. Since you won’t need a single piece of workout equipment, these steps are ideal for fun days at home that you, your partner, and your body will love.


“Before any workout session, you want to make sure that you always warm up. This is a good way to get the body ready for the rigours that you will put it through during the workout. Some easy, effective warm-up techniques include brisk walking, jogging, skipping, or even some jumping jacks,” Harrow advised.

Partner Squats

Stand facing each other. Now hold each other’s hands and lower your body into a seated position. Keep your knees behind your toes, then return to the start position. Complete three sets of 15-20 repetition­s each.

Push-up Touch

Lay face down with your stomach touching the floor and your elbows bent at 90 degrees and both palms against the floor in a lowered push-up position.

Now, as you raise yourself for the push-up, reach out and touch your partner’s hand. Return to the start position and do 10 to 15 repetition­s for three sets.

Partner Sit-ups

Both of you sit down on the floor and face each other with your feet touching and your knees bent. Now, lower your back onto the floor and then back to the sitting position with both hands (yours and your partner’s) touching at the top. Complete three sets of 15 to 20 repetition­s.

Leg Throwdowns

Start by lying flat on the ground with your partner standing over your head. Make sure that your partner’s feet are in line with your head. Now, grab your partner’s ankles then raise your legs. Your partner will then push your feet forward towards the ground. Do three sets of 15-20 repetition­s.

Side-to-side Crunches

Start by taking a standard crunch position, with your feet overlappin­g. Now, lift your shoulders off the ground, and pivot your upper bodies from side to side, then reach for your partner’s hand to maximise the range of motion. Complete three sets of 15-20 repetition­s.

Step drills or sprints

If you have a flight of stairs this would be ideal, but if not, choose an area where you can do short sprints. Now, stand on opposite ends of the stairs or the chosen sprinting area. Run up the stairs or sprint to the end of the designated sprint area as fast as you can and touch your partner.

Now, your partner will do the same, and you will both continue to do this for a period that you have both agreed on. Three to five minutes is a good start out time. To make the experience more interestin­g you can compare times.


Finish your workout session with a five-minute cool-down. Harrow says you can complete one or a mixture of the warm-up exercises that you had completed at the start of the session.

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