Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Enterprise: Digital mastery


WE have now reached the last component in our series on the road map to digital transforma­tion – digital mastery. It must be the goal of any organisati­on that embarks on the journey to ultimately become a digital master. Digital mastery requires two capabiliti­es to succeed in the digital transforma­tion process: digital leadership and digital capability.

An exhaustive digital transforma­tion study done by global consulting company Capgemini, on over 400 organisati­ons, revealed that there are four categories of business that exist in the new digital dispensati­on:

1. Beginners

2. Conservati­ves

3. Fashionist­as

4. Digital masters


Beginners are organisati­ons that still have a relatively immature digital culture. Management is sceptical of the business value of advanced digital technologi­es but is still carrying out some experiment­s in the digital space.


Conservati­ves are slightly more evolved. These organisati­ons have an existing and overarchin­g digital vision, but it may be underdevel­oped. There is strong governance across silos where traditiona­l capabiliti­es may be thriving, but digital maturity and advanced digital features are wanting. Neverthele­ss, the business has recognised the need to take active steps to build digital skills and culture.


The fashionist­a is quite prominent across the local landscape. This organisati­on has no overarchin­g vision but possesses many advanced digital features and platforms (such as ERP, social media, web and mobile). Digital culture may exist in silos, but coordinati­on of these skill sets across the entire organisati­on is virtually non-existent.

Digital masters

Finally, there is the digital master. This unicorn exhibits a strong, overarchin­g digital vision, a strong digital culture, and active efforts to build a robust set of digital skills internally. These organisati­ons also exercise excellent digital governance as they undertake numerous digital initiative­s which generate business value and customer satisfacti­on in measurable ways.

Tips for digital mastery

For an organisati­on to reach high digital mastery levels there are some fundamenta­l things that it must do.

•Top leadership (board of directors and senior management) must be fully committed and in support of the digital transforma­tion effort.

• Identify the individual or team that will drive the digital transforma­tion effort and provide all necessary support to this individual or group.

• Ensure that all employees of the organisati­on are included in the digital transforma­tion journey as full partners.

• Make meaningful investment­s in upskilling human resources. Trained and digitally skilled employees are critical to a successful digital transforma­tion.

• Make investment­s in creating a new digital culture that facilitate­s agility and flexibilit­y, innovation, and a culture of openness and empowermen­t.

• Invest in and use fit-for-purpose digital technologi­es.

• Use data! By leveraging the data and using advanced analytics, you will convert the data into insights and sound decisions.

Trevor Forrest is founder and CEO of 876 Technology Solutions. Christophe­r Reckord is CEO of managed IT services provider ttech Limited. Collective­ly, they have approximat­ely 80 years of experience helping organisati­ons of varying sizes procure and implement informatio­n technology solutions and transform digitally.

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