Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Stringent national lockdown won’t work!

- Teddylee Gray Ocho Rios, St Ann teddylee.gray@gmail.com

Dear Editor,

With the recent surge of COVID-19 cases, again members of the public are calling for stringent measures from Prime Minister Andrew Holness to stop the surge.

First and foremost, we, as a people, can’t afford a nationwide lockdown.

Also, the national nightly curfews don’t make any sense and should be ended. Last year the ‘experts’ told us up to 60,000, then under 20,000, Jamaicans could die from COVID19. People hardly focus on the fatality rate; now they’re focusing on the rate of infection.

Once upon a time we were told that the fatality rate and the recovery rate were the ones to watch, now the goalpost has been shifted to the infection rate only.

We are wrecking our kids’ future for letting them be out of school for nearly a year now. We are also wrecking our economy by having these nightly curfews. All this lunatic talk of more lockdowns is just a waste of time.

You can’t be calling for a lockdown while saying the broke Government should give out more stimulus cheques to the most vulnerable in Jamaica.

After 11 months we now have over 18,000 cases of COVID-19, and over 360 deaths. Last year we had over 1,200 murders. Clearly we have more deaths from strokes, diabetes, cancers, and heart diseases .

Florida has the oldest population in America, and they don’t have lockdowns or strict mask mandates, yet they’re doing better than New York and California that have strict lockdown measures.

More stringent lockdowns in Jamaica will only cause people to be more disobedien­t and cause our security forces to have to jail many more citizens.

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