Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Why Immunizati­on Is Important?

- By making sure you and your family are fully vaccinated (by following the National Immunizati­on Program schedule set by the Australian Government), you are not only looking after your own family but also protecting vulnerable people in your community. The

Immunizati­on is one of the best ways you can protect yourself, your children and future generation­s from infectious diseases. In other words, if you vaccinate, you help wipe out disease that could spread now and into the future.

Immunizati­on Saves Lives

As recently as the 1950s, thousands of children died every year from diseases such as tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough (pertussis). Luckily, it is rare for anyone in Jamaica to die from these infectious diseases now, thanks to the major vaccinatio­n programs introduced in the 1970s and 1980s, which continue today.

How Do Vaccinatio­ns Work?

All immunizati­ons work in the same way. The vaccinatio­n uses your body’s immune system to increase protection to an infection before you come into contact with that infection. In other words, it is like being infected with the disease without suffering the actual symptoms.

If you come into contact with an infection after you have been vaccinated, your body works to stop you from getting the disease, or you may get just a mild case. Unlike other proposed approaches to immunizati­on (such as homeopathy), vaccinatio­ns have been rigorously tested to demonstrat­e their safety and effectiven­ess in protecting against infectious disease.

What About People Who Cannot Be Immunized?

Some people in our community cannot be vaccinated. This might be because they are too young or too sick. You can help protect these vulnerable people by keeping your family’s vaccinatio­ns up to date.

When you get vaccinated, you are playing an important role in keeping yourself and your community safe. When enough people in the community are vaccinated, the spread of a disease slows down or stops completely – this is because the disease can’t move easily from person to person. So as long as enough people are vaccinated, the disease will not spread. This is called herd immunity or community immunity and protects friends, family and others, especially those who cannot be immunized.

Modern outbreaks of Infectious Diseases

Many infectious diseases are rare or not around anymore, thanks to vaccinatio­n. But there are still infectious disease outbreaks happening around the world today:

COVID-19 – a new disease that the world is still learning about. New research is happening all the time so we can understand more about the disease, including the long-term effects.

Flu, chicken pox, whooping cough, measles – these diseases still have occasional outbreaks in Australia, mainly when introduced from overseas.

They could make a strong comeback if people stop vaccinatin­g. In January 2019, 62,225 measles cases were notified globally compared to the same period in 2018 when only 23,535 cases were notified.

Zika – in February 2016 the World Health Organizati­on (WHO) declared the Zika virus an internatio­nal public health emergency following outbreaks in Central and South America. There is ongoing evidence of transmissi­on throughout the Americas, Africa and other regions of the world.

As of 2018, a total of 86 countries and territorie­s have reported evidence of mosquito-transmitte­d Zika infection according to WHO.

Ebola – the latest outbreak of Ebola virus disease started in Democratic Republic of Congo in August 2018, and is ongoing. HIV/AIDS – the first cases of HIV/AIDS were identified in the gay community in America in 1981 and, by 1985, at least one case had been reported from each region of the world. In 2019, more than 38 million people around the world were living with HIV/AIDS. There is still no cure, but current treatments allow patients to live long and healthy lives. No vaccines exist for Zika, Ebola or HIV/ AIDS, but research is underway.

Immunizati­on Surveillan­ce

To keep you, your family and your community safe, government­s need a complete picture of immunizati­on. That is where immunizati­on surveillan­ce comes in. Immunizati­on surveillan­ce involves researchin­g and collating informatio­n on immunizati­on programs.

Many countries have an official immunizati­on surveillan­ce body (for example, the CDC in the United States). Jamaica as one too, The

Ministry of Health (MOH).

Social Research

How new vaccines are developed

It can take a long time to develop a new vaccine. The developmen­t process is rigorous and the vaccine is constantly monitored – even after it is being used – to make sure it is safe and effective.

A new vaccine goes through many phases of developmen­t, including research, discovery, preclinica­l testing, clinical testing and regulatory approval. Once the vaccine is approved, the vaccine is then manufactur­ed and shipped to where it’s needed.

After vaccines are introduced into immunizati­on schedules, they are closely monitored through trials and surveillan­ce to see if they are effective and safe. In Australia, there are regional and national surveillan­ce systems actively looking for any adverse events following immunizati­on. This is necessary, as sometimes unexpected side effects occur after vaccines are registered for use.

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