Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Ending domestic violence requires a commitment by all


Dear Editor,

The significan­t increase in domestic violence cases in Jamaica is a major problem which needs immediate and focused attention. As such, continued and sustained efforts must be made to reject and condemn all acts of violence against all — men, women, the elderly, and children.

Violence, in any form, has no place in our society. But, despite our outrage, it continues, and we are still a far way from overcoming this scourge.

Each of us has a responsibi­lity to protect women, men, children, the elderly, everyone, among us from violence. We must all play our part by providing support and protection for them by helping to create a safe environmen­t which will allow for them to report any acts of violence committed against them.

We need to recognise that protecting our men, women, children, and the elderly is not and cannot be the sole responsibi­lity of the Government. We need to be our brother’s keeper.

We must, however, continue to work tirelessly to press for the strengthen­ing of legal frameworks and policies that will improve judicial and law enforcemen­t to prevent domestic violence, support developmen­t and education, press for the improvemen­t of services for survivors, while addressing the root causes of violence.

The American Chamber of Commerce of Jamaica (Amcham Jamaica) acknowledg­es that domestic violence affects men and women, young and old, regardless of sexual orientatio­n, gender identity, socio-economic status, education, culture, religion, race, or ethnicity.

We have always been a strong proponent of ending violence against everyone and will continue to support any and every effort to stamp it out.

We reiterate that ending domestic violence requires more than just platitudes. It requires a firm commitment by all — the Government, private sector, civil society, everyone.

Gillian A Haughton Chief executive officer American Chamber of Commerce of Jamaica Kingston 5 gillian.haughton@amchamjama­ica.org

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