Daily Observer (Jamaica)

Love on the brain


IT is said that love messes with the brain, and with good sense, and makes a person do stupid and silly things. Ladies, what stupid things have you done for love?

Alexia, 44:

We had been married for seven years, with a mortgage and two car loans, and one child in prep school. We were barely getting by. My husband said he didn’t want our daughter to grow up as an only child, and said we should have another baby. I told him we couldn’t afford it, worse, I was providing most of the child care and made the most sacrifices with my career for the one child we had. He said God would provide, and one child isn’t a family. Worst mistake of my life was having another child. Because if we were struggling before, now it’s double the struggle, with no light at the end of the tunnel.

Kacey-ann, 31:

I had just started dating this man from church for a couple months, and not long after I heard that I was successful in this scholarshi­p I’d applied for to study for a year overseas. He said he would miss me too much, and feared I’d find someone else while I was there, even though I told him I was OK dating long distance. To make a long story short, I turned down the scholarshi­p and opted to do my master’s in Jamaica, and just a couple months after that he figured that we weren’t compatible and started dating another of our church sisters.

Bre, 24:

I asked my then boyfriend to drive me to Clarendon to see my folks and he was reluctant at first, but eventually agreed. On the way back we had an argument over the reckless way he was driving, and he got annoyed and told me to just relax. When we were exiting the toll, of course, we got pulled over by the police, and he got a ticket. When we drove off he dared me to comment, and I said I only cared about being safe.

He pulled over on the road near Cooreville and told me to get out of his car. I had to call a taxi to get home to Papine, and this was after 7:00 pm. Even after that I stayed with him until he was the one to dump me.

Mona, 40:

I washed his clothes in the sun every Saturday by hand, even though he had a machine, because he didn’t like the way the machine washed his clothes. Then he would go through each garment afterwards to check if they were clean and coach me how to iron properly. I did that for two years with not even a thank you and no commitment from him. He still didn’t marry me after all that. Ironically, he’s now with a woman who won’t do those things.


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