Jamaica Gleaner

Environmen­t minister must care for environmen­t



IWAS very surprised when Environmen­t Minister Robert Pickersgil­l stated, as part of his decision to allow the Karisma Group to remove sand from Negril, that “the substantia­l value of the project to the Jamaican economy outweighs all other considerat­ions”. I was further saddened when he refused to recant his statement and stood by his earlier pronouncem­ent, saying, “My conscience is clear as to what I did on behalf of the Government and people of Jamaica.”

It is dishearten­ing to know that Jamaica’s environmen­t is viewed as something that needs to be exploited at all costs while we spout rhetoric about sustainabl­e developmen­t. Our government­s have never seemed to prioritise the environmen­t. We have allowed mining prospector­s into Cockpit Country, built hotels without the necessary environmen­tal permits, and now want to build a trans-shipment port in a protected marine area, even as we sign environmen­tal agreements to combat climate change.

Decisions like these have always implied that our lawmakers don’t understand how valuable our natural resources really are and what the impacts of unsustaina­ble developmen­t can be.

China, for example, has become one of the world’s major economic powers, but at the expense of its environmen­t. Since 1978, China’s gross domestic product has grown by approximat­ely 10% a year. However, this growth has been at the expense of its natural environmen­t. China’s air quality is so poor that 1.6 million people die a year from health problems associated with air pollution. The unchecked use of fossil fuels since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, particular­ly within developed countries, has resulted in the climatic changes we are desperatel­y trying to combat now. We should not be striving to have uncontroll­ed developmen­t but t o ensure that Jamaica’s economy develops sustainabl­y.


Jamaica’s natural resources provide us with important goods and services daily. An ecosystem service valuation of Cockpit Country, for example, estimated that the value we gain from maintainin­g Cockpit Country in its current state is US$29.8 million a year. This is because it provides gas and climate regulation, water filtration, mitigation from floods and droughts, soil formation and stability, crop pollinatio­n, habitat for species, and is appreciate­d for its aesthetic and cultural value.

However, because our lawmakers are shortsight­ed and don’t consider the long-term effects of developmen­t, they plan to mine Cockpit Country for bauxite and limestone, destroying the very goods and services we currently receive for free.

Have we considered whether mining will actually contribute to our economy, or someone else’s? Or the fact that once all the limestone and bauxite have been removed, the Cockpit Country will never be what it once was and the US$29.8 million a year we used to get in goods and services will be gone forever.

I hope that Jamaica will eventually realise that we will have to pay for decisions made in the name of developmen­t at all costs. As election day looms, I hope that regardless of which political party wins, our minister of environmen­t is someone who will put the environmen­t first and understand just how important his job really is. CHRISTINE O’SULLIVAN christine_osullivn@hotmail.com

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