Jamaica Gleaner

Politely ask about Holy Spirit!


THE EDITOR, Sir: SOME PERSONS are already asking and having doubts about how some feel the Holy Spirit works. What do the Scriptures show? Luke 1:67 shows that the Holy Spirit caused Zechariah to prophesy. At Acts 1:8, Jesus told his followers that the Holy Spirit would give them power to be His witnesses to the farthest ends of the earth. (See Acts 4:31) The Holy Spirit anointed Jesus, giving him power to do good, as Acts 10:38 proves. (See Luke 4:17, 18)

Peter was moved to preach while filled with the Holy Spirit; Apollos also. (Acts 4:8; Acts 18:25) Some persons upon whom the apostle Paul laid his hands received the Holy Spirit and began to prophesy and spoke in tongues. This, of course, before speaking in tongues stopped after the faithful apostles’ death. (Acts 19:6; 1 Corinthian­s 13:8)

The aforementi­oned are ways the Holy Spirit was used on Christians. There is NO indication in the Scriptures of the Holy Spirit, causing people to get pushed on the ground, to scream, to make convulsion­s or other weird actions. Rather, the Holy Spirit is connected to giving Christians strength to preach, to carry out God’s will.

Politely ask your religious leader(s) about this matter. Respectful­ly ask: What useful purpose does being pushed down, screaming, or other strange actions serve? Does the Holy Spirit really cause these actions in people? Do the Scriptures support these actions as proof of someone having the Holy Spirit?

I respect any person’s right to believe what he/she wishes. However, because of doubts that many are having about how some claim the Holy Spirit operates on Christians, it is very important to question how the Holy Spirit really works, so we can get the scriptural truth and, hopefully, God’s approval! (John 4:23, 24; John 8:32; Matthew 7:21-23) SIMEON JAMES clearblues­ky100@hotmail.com

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