Jamaica Gleaner

Mystery at LIME HALL

Family feud, gang violence, murders leave Lime Hall residents shocked and uneasy

- Mark Titus Gleaner Writer

AYEAR after the mysterious disappeara­nce of four persons in Lime Hall, St Ann, the police appear no closer to finding answers. The four disappeare­d sometime between November 13 and 14, 2015.

The 10-apartment, two-storey dwelling that the four occupied on the Arthurs Mount Estate, along with two out-houses on the property, were burned to the ground on the night the four disappeare­d.

While no official answers have come from the authoritie­s, there is the strong belief among residents of the community that the fire and the disappeara­nce of the four persons were the ugly culminatio­n of years of bad blood between the missing persons and the notorious After Dark gang, which is based in the area.

The four persons, whose mysterious disappeara­nce remains topical in the St Ann community today, are 57-year-old farmer Joseph Lynch; his nephew, 43-year-old farmer Lascelle Lynch (popularly known as Errol and Kerosene); 50-year-old domestic helper Ruth Lawrence; and her adopted daughter, sevenyear-old student, Rimeka Haynes.

It was believed that all four were present at the house at the time of the fire, but their remains were not found in the burnt-out buildings, leading to speculatio­n that they were kidnapped and forcefully taken elsewhere.

IT IS a winding, eight-minute drive uphill from the north coast highway through the bustling town of St Ann’s Bay until you reach the square of the village of Lime Hall – an elongated knot of a handful of wooden, two-storey buildings, a few lazy bars, and a farm store. On the left is an approximat­ion of a small shopping plaza. About 200 metres beyond the square, at the intersecti­on where there is the St Saviour’s Anglican Church, take the right along the road, whose barber green top gives way to unpaved marl after 80 metres. On either side are large, concrete homes, built mostly by Jamaicans returned from living abroad. Maybe 450 metres along this stretch, on the left, is Arthurs Mount Estate. There used to be an imposing but obviously timeworn, home here, a smaller version of the old plantation great houses. Of so-called ‘stone nogg’ constructi­on, with stone and brick at the lower portion and wood at the upper, it had five bedrooms, a dining room, and sitting rooms. There were two outer buildings. One was the kitchen, the other a storehouse. That was up to a year ago. The buildings don’t exist anymore but for a bit of column rising from the remnants of the foundation like a single, remaining, rotted tooth that sticks out of an otherwise unadorned gum shrouded by a shaggy face. The 60-acre property, with towering pimento trees and groves of mahogany and cedar, is now overgrown as though in protection of the mysteries of the November 2015 fire that destroyed the buildings as well as the baffling disappeara­nce of four people: Joseph Lynch, 57; Lascelle Lynch (nephew of Joseph Lynch), 43, who was also called Errol and ‘Kerosene’; Ruth Lawrence, 50; and Rimeka Haynes, seven, and Lawrence’s ‘adopted’ daughter. The Lynches, both of whom were farmers

and higglers, lived at Arthurs Mount Estate. Lawrence and her daughter stayed there sometimes. She had rented a room there.

This is a story that involves criminal gangs, tales of extortion, palpable community fear, and violence in a once quiet community, and, apparently, family tensions over a large estate left by a wealthy landowner. There is, however, no clear evidence if, or how, they connect.

It began long before that fateful night of November 13, 2015. It began when Joseph Lynch was a boy.

He was born in Riversdale, St Catherine, but moved to Moneague, St Ann, when he was eight, having been adopted by a well-to-do landowner and farmer, Victor Scott, and Scott’s wife. The Scotts later moved to Arthurs Mount, having bought the property from another big land owner, Ernest Harker.


Over the years, as the Scotts’ biological children grew up and moved away, Joseph Lynch stayed, helping ‘Papa’ on the property, overseeing the harvesting of pimento, setting up charcoal kilns and planting root crops and vegetables. They also reared cattle, pigs, and goats. When Mrs Scott died in the early 1990s, Joseph grew closer to Papa.

People in Lime Hall and the surroundin­g communitie­s remember him as a devoted ‘son’, also hurrying to return home from any business because to one, “he didn’t want to leave Papa by himself”. Though a reserved and private individual, he was a community person. He was a member of the Lime Hall Baptist Church, and at the time of his disappeara­nce, president of the church’s men’s fellowship.

It is around the time of Mrs Scott’s death that Lascelle Lynch joined his uncle at Arthurs Mount. He had been a troubled youth. Like Joseph Lynch, Lascelle was born in Riverdale, St Catherine, but at an early age, he was sent to live with a relative called ‘Uncle Man-Man’ in Islington, St Mary.

According to people who knew him, lacking parental direction,

Lascelle was often absent from school and got himself into all kinds of scrapes. A move to another relative didn’t help too much. He appeared to pull his life together after the relocation to Arthurs Mount, Lime Hall.

In Lime Hall, he is remembered as an outgoing, jovial chap who liked a good joke, a far cry from his earlier years when he painted and sculpted. He baked, too, and his puddings and art works were among an eclectic mix of products he sold at the Lime Hall Square. In fact, the nickname ‘Kerosene’ was the result of his sale of that product.

Originally, Ruth Lawrence is from a place called Philadelph­ia, a community approximat­ely six kilometres from Brown’s Town, high in the hills of St Ann, west of Lime Hall. She worked as a domestic helper. In 1999, she landed a job with a United Statesbase­d Jamaican as a live-in caretaker for his Jamaican home near Arthurs Mount Estate. She worked for this executive for 15 years but was fired in 2014, a dismissal that resulted in a court battle, over her severance package, which Lawrence lost.

It was during her time working for the US-based Jamaican that Lawrence informally adopted little Rimeka, whose mother,

Tameka Lawrence, was having problems with the child’s father over financial support.

Having lost her job and a place to live, Lawrence approached Lynch about renting space at the Arthurs Mount property. She told Lynch that her primary aim was to store furniture at the estate until a home she was building in Lime Hall was completed.

This developmen­t brings into the picture another of the primary characters of this story, Joseph Lynch’s adopted daughter, Vilma Grant, who is the wife of retired Assistant Commission­er of Police Reggie Grant. She was one of the Scott children who had moved away from Arthurs Mount and with whom Lynch was closest.

Lynch approached Scott-Grant about the rental. She agreed.

Lawrence subsequent­ly got a live-in job in a district called Epworth and left Rimeka with a friend so that the child’s education at Lime Hall Primary School would not be affected. Lawrence would return to Lime Hall on weekends but not always stay at the Arthurs Mount property. In any event, her relationsh­ip with Lynch had grown strained. He was pressing her to sort out her living arrangemen­ts and move her belongings from the estate.

Like other previously quiet rural communitie­s in Jamaica, criminal gangs, before the Arthurs Mount fire and disappeara­nces, had found their way to Lime Hall and nearby communitie­s. They intimidate­d residents, stole from farms, and extorted businesses, including higglers.

Among the most prominent of these gangs, initially, was the Clamstead gang, which got its name from the community from which it evolved and grew. In time, the Clamstead gang joined with the remnant of the Fire Links gang, which the police had substantia­lly dismantled by 2014. The new, expanded group changed its name to the After Dark gang under the alleged leadership of Roshad Moss, also called Shut.


The Lynches, Joseph and Lascelle, despite their generosity, were often victims of the gang intruders, who raided their property of crops and livestock and threatened their lives, which residents insist was reported to the police. The police say they have no record of these reports.

Residents remain shy of speaking openly about these gangs for fear of provoking them.

Nonetheles­s, insofar as The Gleaner has been able to piece together, on the night before the fire and the disappeara­nces, there was an argument between Lascelle and After Dark’s members, who had threatened his life. Residents claim that the threat was reported to the police. Hours before the fire, Lascelle came out as usual to sell his products. Business was slow that night. Lime Hall was quiet. A lot of people were attending a wake in the adjoining community of Lumsden, where a popular funeral band was performing.

Sometime after 9:30 p.m., Lascelle noticed a group of more than a dozen persons walking along the road that leads to the Arthurs Mount Estate. A few minutes later, Lascelle told his friends goodbye and left for home.

He was never seen or heard from again.

Ruth Lawrence was in Lime Hall for the weekend. She picked up Rimeka and made an appointmen­t with her hairdresse­r for the following day, Saturday.

She planned to sleep at Arthurs Mount Estate. But given the tense situation between herself and Lynch over her living arrangemen­ts, she did not want to turn up there too early. She had dinner at a male friend’s home. He urged her to stay the night. She declined.

Instead, around 10:45 p.m., Lawrence left for Arthurs Mount. She had Rimeka with her. Neither has been seen since.

That time of year was usually busy for Arthurs Mount and Joseph Lynch. It is peak pimento reaping season. For the 2015 season, he had hired two of his biological brothers to help with the crop. Now, more than three hundred 509-kilo bags of dried pimento were in the storehouse. Those were to be sold the week after the fire. Additional­ly, he had several hundred feet of freshly cut lumber and 25 bags of charcoal ready for market.

But despite the seemingly good commercial prospects, all was apparently not well with Joseph Lynch.

According to a source with whom The Gleaner spoke, who wishes to remain anonymous, Lynch was complainin­g of being ‘bossed around’, which started after his adopted father’s death. Days before his disappeara­nce, this source said, Lynch had made arrangemen­ts with a taxi operator to transport 15 bags of coal to his church, concerned that if the individual, about whom he had complained, came to Arthurs Mount and saw them, he would want them all for himself. Lynch was known, over the years, to make gifts of coal and other produce to the church.

Nothing has emerged about Joseph Lynch’s movements on the night of the fire except that he had spoken about plans to turn in early. He had an important meeting at his church the next day and wanted to be early.

Like his nephew, Lascelle, Ruth Lawrence and little Rimeka, Joseph has not been seen or heard from since.


Exactly when, or how, the fire started at the Arthurs Mount property, no one is certain. But at least one person living as far as three miles away said that around 3 a.m., he saw the flames in the vicinity of the Arthurs Mount Estate licking the night sky. But in a community where the houses are on large lots of land that are good distances apart, no one called the fire brigade in St Ann’s Bay until 10:50 a.m. The firefighte­rs arrived at the property 22 minutes later, encounteri­ng the smoulderin­g remains of the former two-storey building.

Theirs, essentiall­y, was a cooling-down operation, until, according to the brigade’s report, firefighte­rs at the scene were informed by someone who claimed to work on the property that four persons who were supposed to be in the house could not be accounted for.

The report didn’t say what might have ignited the blaze and named the owner of the property as Vilma Scott-Ewart, an obvious reference to Vilma Scott-Grant, and gave the Grants a Kingston address, rather than Willowdene, St Catherine, where they had resided for decades. Senior Deputy Superinten­dent Anthony Hinds, of the St Ann fire brigade, blames Mr Grant for that inaccuracy, saying that it was based on informatio­n he provided at the scene.

The Grants were at the scene that day and were visibly upset by the tragedy. Indeed, friends say that Joseph Lynch was close to Mrs Grant and often spoke passionate­ly about the couple, whose home he visited perhaps once a month.

However, there were complaints about a man to whom he referred as ‘Nuh Linga’. Invariably, he would end any observatio­n about that person with the comment: “Mi nuh like trouble.”

Joseph Lynch’s relatives declined to be interviewe­d for this story, but a close confidant of Lynch’s said they tried unsuccessf­ully to get him to leave the St Ann property and return to St Catherine. Lynch’s position was that he had made a promise to his foster father to protect the property. In any event, he argued, he was a beneficiar­y on his foster father’s will, which justified his decision to stay at Arthurs Mount.

After the initial investigat­ions into the Arthurs Mount affair, nine men allegedly affiliated with the After Dark gang, including its reported leader Richard ‘Shut’ Moss – who was already facing a murder charge in a separate case – were arrested in connection with the incident.

On December 10, 2015, then head of the St Ann police, Superinten­dent Wayne Cameron, announced that two of the men who were in custody – brothers, 27-year-old Junior Campbell and 23-year-old Shawn Nelson of Clamstead – were being charged for arson. The other men were all released.

A slipper belonging to one of the brothers was reportedly found at the scene of the fire, while a bag containing personal documents belonging to Joseph Lynch was reportedly discovered in a pit latrine at the tenement yard where they lived. At the time of his arrest, Campbell had cases pending in court for robbery with aggravatio­n and wounding with intent.

When the two brothers appeared in the St Ann’s Bay Resident Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday, December 23, 2015, Senior Resident Magistrate Andrea Thomas pointed out weaknesses in the case, noting that there was no proof that the owner of the slipper had lit the fire. Further, with several houses in the yard where the pit latrine was located, the investigat­ors would need to link the men to the bag found in it.

Their case, however, is still pending. At their last appearance in the St Ann Parish Court on October 7, 2016, the matter was set for committal hearing on January 6, 2017. At that time, a decision will be taken as to whether the case will be transferre­d to the Circuit Court for trial.

But there are also other twists in this case.

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 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Joseph Lynch
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 ?? PHOTO BY SUGAR RAY THOMAS ?? Police conduct a search of the property in Lime Hall, St Ann.
PHOTO BY SUGAR RAY THOMAS Police conduct a search of the property in Lime Hall, St Ann.

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