Jamaica Gleaner

The national ID: security vs privacy


NOT FOR the first time, Delroy Chuck, the justice minister, is a little ahead of himself, suggesting that Parliament has already passed the National Identifica­tion and Registrati­on Act. It has not.

Mr Chuck’s haste may be understand­ably Freudian. He places great store in the law to combat criminalit­y in Jamaica.

“It will arguably be one of the most important and effective crime-fighting tools yet,” Mr Chuck said at a conference of the Police Federation. And perhaps it will be.

But before that is so, this newspaper believes there needs to be full ventilatio­n of its provisions to ensure that it doesn’t, even if inadverten­tly, compromise fundamenta­l rights and freedoms, and to explore its compatibil­ity with a host of identifica­tion regimes already in place.

The proposed law will establish a National Identifica­tion and Registrati­on Authority. Its job will be to register all residents of Jamaica, including capturing their biometric informatio­n, and to provide them with unique identifica­tion numbers – to be carried for life – as well as identity cards.

A reflexive, and not unreasonab­le response, is to be wary about a government not only capturing this level of informatio­n about its citizens, but storing it in a central database to which assorted bureaucrat­s and politician­s may have access. The idea conjures up the spectre of Big Brother, potential government overreach, and infringeme­nt on constituti­onal rights to privacy.

Except that in a world threatened by global terrorism, many citizens around the world are having to make concession­s to intrusions on privacy rights. Some will argue that Jamaica’s high level of crime is itself a threat to its internal security. Moreover, several Jamaican government agencies already collect informatio­n on citizens, including, in the case of at least one, biometric data.

However, in the circumstan­ce of the Electoral Office of Jamaica, it cannot share its fingerprin­t database with any other agency. That is to be used, if required, solely for the identifica­tion of voters in an election.

In any event, no one has to register to vote. In the case of the proposed law, it requires that “every citizen shall apply for enrolment”, suggesting that it is compulsory, but apparently without penalty for failing to do so. However, this national ID number will be necessary for doing business with government bodies. Its possession, therefore, is vital.


There are obvious questions, therefore, about the relationsh­ip between this new ID and the existing unique Tax Registrati­on Number, which is already essential for transactio­ns with Government; the number assigned to members of the National Insurance Scheme; or that for school enrolment implemente­d during Prime Minister Andrew Holness’ tenure as education minister.

A critical factor about the proposed database, and what excites Mr Chuck, is how it might be used in law enforcemen­t. That is what should demand public vigilance also. The minister sees an opportunit­y to swipe identity cards and identify persons who may have committed crimes.

But good intentions often lead to abuse. So, even as we support the limited manner in which it proposes to share biometric data – including requiring applicatio­n to a judge to determine whether it is “reasonably required for the purpose of a criminal investigat­ion or criminal proceeding­s” – the matter must be robustly tested for loopholes. Additional­ly, the authority in its compositio­n and appointmen­t should be a creature of the governor general solely, after consultati­on with the PM and leader of the Opposition.

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