Jamaica Gleaner

Saved for a purpose

Daveion Thompson

- Shanna Kaye Monteilth Gleaner Writer familyandr­eligion@gleanerjm.com

ONE PARTICULAR Friday afternoon in March 2002 remains etched in the memory of Daveion Thompson, a now 25-year-old man.

It was the day his death was broadcast across local media following a calamity involving him and a vehicle, a news item that left his family and friends traumatise­d.

Thompson admitted to Family & Religion that he is still uncertain about the details of that afternoon.

“It was a Friday while going home from primary school. All I can remember is coming off the taxi when I got hit by another car while crossing the road at the bus shed in Retreat (St Thomas).

“I woke up a few days after to find myself on a hospital bed with a drip in my hand and my grade four teacher standing over me,” he said.


Thompson said that he did not recognise his teacher until she introduced herself. Neither could he make out his family and close friends.

The hit had left the then 10year-old with brain damage resulting in amnesia.

According to him, “I had to relearn a lot of things. Small stuff like names, my own birthday and home address. I even had a personal driver for a couple of months.”

Young Thompson had also endured a broken foot, hand, and rib as well as bruises to the left side of his face.

He said he was saved for a purpose.

He shared: “I may not be baptised, but I surely say my prayers night and day and read the daily prayer books and Bible.

“We are all living to carry out specific roles that God has set for us to do. For me, I think I was saved to show people a different way of life and to help them understand what to expect from it. I am also here to help in whatever way I can.”

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