Jamaica Gleaner

Single moms on Mother’s Day


MOTHER’S DAY is fast approachin­g, and women everywhere are preparing to be spoiled by their kids and partners. They may even be planning on spoiling their own mothers (and mothers-inlaw). Reservatio­ns will be made. Breakfasts in bed will be served. And presents, both those crafted by little hands and those picked out in jewellery stores, will be presented with love and giddy excitement.

But remember, all of that fun only applies to those mothers out there with partners to orchestrat­e the fun, or older kids who are used to taking charge of celebratin­g such holidays.

Single mothers will experience a different kind of day. Especially single mothers with kids under the age of 10.


Single moms will get up at the crack of dawn with their kids, just like any other day, and work their way into the kitchen. They’ll not only make breakfast for themselves, but also for their little ones. Their kids may not be aware it’s a special day. And even if they somehow know that Mother’s Day is a thing, they won’t know it’s their responsibi­lity to celebrate it – and their mothers wouldn’t ever want them to have that pressure.

So, there will be no presents. No reservatio­ns. No days at the spa or being waited on hand and foot. There might not even be a single ‘Happy Mother’s Day!’ thrown their way. For single mothers with young kids, Mother’s Day is just like any other day. Except on this day, their Facebook feeds will be flooded with their friends’ posts bragging about how spoiled they’ve been.

Meanwhile, the single mother is probably just throwing in another load of laundry. Not angry or hurt or even all that jealous, because she knows what to expect from this day. She realises it’s not really going to be about her. And that’s OK.

It’s OK to be a little bit sad as you watch your friends post about their amazing days on social media. It’s OK to feel a little ripped off when your kids don’t even know to give you a hug and tell you they love you, let alone present you with breakfast in bed and the opportunit­y to relax.

It’s OK to feel whatever you’re going to feel, because the honest truth is, Mother’s Day isn’t really designed to celebrate the single mother. If you have young kids, it probably won’t be about you for at least a few more years, until your kids are old enough to know it’s a day at all and to want to spoil you.

So, maybe until that day comes, it’s OK for you to spoil yourself a little on Mother’s Day. Even if that simply means ordering takeout so that you don’t have to cook. If anyone deserves that luxury on Mother’s Day, it’s most certainly you.

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