Jamaica Gleaner



THE ‘T’ in the word ‘mother’ could easily stand for ‘teacher’. A mother is often the greatest teacher in a child’s life – whether directly or just through leading by example. Through imparting direct words of wisdom or through their actions, they have a responsibi­lity to impart life skills to the little individual­s with whom they have been entrusted. Today, some of our readers share what their mothers taught them.

The most important lesson I have learnt from my mother is that hard work is the key to success. You have to invest physically, mentally, spirituall­y to anything you want out of life. She is the total embodiment of that – how she has been able to raise three of us on a secretary’s salary.

The other lesson is the importance of family. My father left at an early age when I was six, so my mother was mother, father, everything to us. She has taught us that no matter your circumstan­ces, no matter what obstacles may confront you in life – that unit will give you everything you need when the world outside fails you. It’s that unit that will continue to support you, love you, care for you, pray for you, invest in you to ensure that you can achieve your goals. It’s those lessons I take back into my own family in terms of trying to make sure that I do everything I can to make sure my kids have the best life they possibly can, the best opportunit­ies, so that they can learn the lessons my mother taught me, in terms of ensuring that they continue to work hard at whatever they want to do and they can achieve what every they want to. – Stephen Pryce, managing director, FLOW

How to be resilient, I’ve lived in several countries and cities, and it is important to be able to make a home anywhere, and one of the lessons my mother taught me is how to make your surroundin­gs and life as comfortabl­e as possible in an uncomforta­ble situation. How to find a way to survive no matter where you are, and that is something I will teach my daughter as well. – Kim Lee, head of retail marketing and TV, FLOW

The most important lesson I have learnt from my mother is to never give up on myself and to look beyond what I can see for myself. Mommy has always been there supporting her three children, cheering us on and being there when the world has knocked us down. She is where I get my drive to excel, as she has never accepted anything less than great from me. If I fall short, mom has always been there to encourage me past what I think is my limit.

My mother has taught me how to be a strong, independen­t, self-motivated woman, and also how to be a good, loving and supportive mother. It is because of her that I wanted to be a mother and I use what I have learnt from her to guide my own parenting style.

I owe everything I am today to my mother. I would not be the person I am or achieved as much as I have without her motivation, discipline, love and support. – Sasha Campbell, acting brand manager, Campari and Sangster’s Jamaica Rum Cream

To push through the burns when you are in the inevitable valleys of life, savour that moment because its in our valleys that we find the most valuable experienti­al life lessons, and those are the lessons that actually change us.

When we come upon a stumbling block or a stump in our path we may get gashes, burns, blood, sweat, tears – whatever happens at that time, they are very valuable jewels of wisdom that are imparted to us. Life can be full of hard knocks and its how we take them on that will determine what kind of outcome we are going to have – are we going to be blamers or are we going to grow from it? My mother has taught me to grow. – Suzette Harriot, senior HR business partner, FLOW

My mummy taught me to always have faith, both in myself and in God and His plan for me. She always said, “What is fi you a fi yuh ... and what is not is not.” Basically letting me know that whatever I attain or think I may have missed out on is part of a divine plan and not to worry about it. Wherever I end up is exactly where I should be. Also, by having faith in myself, I should continue to work hard and strive to continuous­ly improve both myself as a person and whatever situation I am in. – Brian Hanson, consumer manager – infant, Nestlé Jamaica

My grandmothe­r taught me how to give of myself without expecting anything in return; that perseveran­ce and humility are all that is needed to be successful at anything. But best of all, she taught me to make my favourite from scratch – pineapple upside down cake! – Camille Gouldbourn­e, billing clerk, Nestlé Jamaica To always be willing to work hard for what you want, the best things in life aren’t always free but they are always better when they’re shared. – Orrette Flemmings, network – LAN specialist, Nestlé Jamaica

Being raised by a single mom after my dad passed away I have learnt so many lessons from her.

Among them was to fear God in all things. Though my mom did not attend church regularly, she ensured that I did. The spiritual lessons I gained still remain valuable to this day, and form a part of who I am.

She also taught me to value and appreciate people no matter who they are and where they are from. This lesson is interwoven in my life. I am of the firm belief that no matter what the situation, persons must always be treated with respect and dignity.

The power of gratitude is another valuable lesson. No matter how small, we must always remember to say thank you. We must also return the favour by passing acts of kindness along even without anyone knowing you assisted someone else. Acts of kindness should be done from the heart without any expectatio­n of any returns.

And finally, the power of education – ‘study to show thyself approved’. Always instilling the value of education and the opportunit­ies which are possible as a result. – Debbian Spence-Minnott, J. Wray and Nephew Academy and Gateway Marketing manager

 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS ?? Stephen Pryce and his mother, Hermin Pryce.
CONTRIBUTE­D PHOTOS Stephen Pryce and his mother, Hermin Pryce.
 ??  ?? Kim Lee and her mother, Cherry Reynolds.
Kim Lee and her mother, Cherry Reynolds.
 ??  ?? Sasha Campbell and her mother, Jacqueline Williamson-Davis.
Sasha Campbell and her mother, Jacqueline Williamson-Davis.
 ??  ?? Suzette Harriot
Suzette Harriot
 ??  ?? Audrey Harriot
Audrey Harriot
 ??  ?? Camille Gouldbourn­e and her grandmothe­r.
Camille Gouldbourn­e and her grandmothe­r.
 ??  ?? Brian Hanson and his mother.
Brian Hanson and his mother.
 ??  ?? Orrette Flemmings and his mother.
Orrette Flemmings and his mother.
 ?? CONTRIBUTE­D ?? Debbian Spence-Minnott and her mother
CONTRIBUTE­D Debbian Spence-Minnott and her mother

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