Jamaica Gleaner

Space by Tinybop

- By Dana Villamagna, Common Sense Media

The sky's no limit on this stellar interactiv­e solar system app Parents need to know that Space by Tinybop is a visually multilayer­ed interactiv­e app that helps kids learn about our solar system through play. Kids can explore each planet, our moon, and the sun, comparing them by size, weight, and many other unique features, such as windstorms, volcanoes, and rocky rings. This app is part of Tinybop's Explorer's Library, and (like the other apps in that series) it includes a downloadab­le handbook with tips, more facts, and discussion questions for parents and teachers to help kids extend learning offscreen. 5HDG WKH DSS V SULYDF\ SROLF\ WR ÀQG RXW DERXW WKH types of informatio­n collected and shared.


To begin exploring Space by Tinybop enter your name and launch a spaceship into space. Tap on the menu icons to the left or right to choose many viewing options and settings, including turning on written labels and choosing one of many languages for those labels. Choose a planet (or the sun) to explore in multiple ways. For example, tap a close-up icon to see what's happening on the planet's surface and what the atmosphere is like. Tap on a snowman icon to check out the weather. View the interior layers of a planet by swiping a bar left, and compare the weight of planets (or the sun) using a virtual scale. By using the parent guide, families can take further learning offscreen.


Once your kid's rocket blasts off, there's so much to do on this visually stunning app that it feels like it might LQFOXGH LQÀQLW\ DQG EH\RQG 7DS RQ DQ\ SODQHW LQ 6SDFH by Tinybop and the app zooms in to show more detail. Swipe across the planet to see sections of the planet's internal layers. Explore surface scenes through swip- LQJ DQG WDSSLQJ WR ÀQG WKH LQWHUDFWLY­H RSWLRQV VXFK as making astronaut footprints on the moon or hurling boulders into Uranus' rings. Beyond the option to view one-word or short-phrase vocabulary labels on the visuals, there's no audio informatio­n, so kids who can read (or have a parent read to them) will likely learn a lot more. The Space Handbook that parents and teachers can download from the Tinybop website has even more ways to learn (written facts, discussion questions, images, and sources) about everything introduced visually on the app. APP DETAILS Devices: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad | Price: $2.99 Release date: 10/3/16 | Category: Education Size: 320 MB | Publisher: Tinybop Minimum software requiremen­ts: iOS 7.0 or later Rating: Recommende­d for ages 7 and older

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