Jamaica Gleaner

Billions needed to overhaul Kgn’s water, sewage systems – NWC

- Paul Clarke Gleaner Writer paul.clarke@gleanerjm.com

IT WILL cost the National Water Commission (NWC) over US$200 million for rehabilita­tion work on both the sewer and water networks across downtown Kingston, according to a statement from the entity. It said the hefty sum was necessary to firmly correct the malfunctio­ning, older system currently in place across the Corporate Area.

“The rehabilita­tion of both sewer and water network preliminar­y estimates will run us more than US$200 million,” noted a communique from Karen Williams, NWC’s senior communicat­ions manager. She added that the company was exploring various options to fund the project.

In March, Dr Horace Chang, minister with responsibi­lity for water, environmen­t and housing, said that fixing the decadesold issue would mean raising several million dollars and that the Government had already started the process of sourcing the funds.

“Once the funds are found, work of this magnitude could last up to two years,” Williams said.

Approximat­ely $36 million have already been spent on rehabilita­tion work on a section of North Street, which was supposed to have corrected the over 10-year problem of raw sewage overflowin­g onto the major thoroughfa­re in the vicinity of St George’s College.


However, it will require a complete overhaulin­g of the current network of sewage pipe to correct the problem that has long plagued residents, businesses and commuters.

“This means replacing mains stretching from North Street to Spanish Town Road in order to be joined onto the Soapberry line for lifting,” Chang told The Gleaner back in March.

Several communitie­s across metropolit­an Kingston, including in the western and central areas, as well as the always busy commercial and market districts, going as far as South St Andrew, are affected on a daily basis, with some residents having to contend with the stench of raw sewage flowing openly.

Residents in a number of these communitie­s have been complainin­g of possible health risks and have warned of a potential outbreak of waterborne diseases if the matter is not dealt with urgently.

 ?? FILE ?? The problemati­c North Street in Kingston – in the vicinity of St George’s College, where, at one point, raw sewage overflowed onto the main thoroughfa­re.
FILE The problemati­c North Street in Kingston – in the vicinity of St George’s College, where, at one point, raw sewage overflowed onto the main thoroughfa­re.

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