Jamaica Gleaner

Motorsport Manager


Run your own racing team in engaging, strategic sim By Paul Semel, Common Sense Media Parents need to know that "Motorsport Manager" is a strategic simulation game in which players have to manage aspects of a racing team. There's no sex, violence, or profanity, save for one use of the word "ass." While drivers occasional­ly talk about enjoying an alcoholic beverage, they're never shown drinking. WHAT'S IT ABOUT? Requiring your managerial skills, "Motorsport Manager" has you provide aid and comfort to your drivers as you help them win races. But this isn't really a story-driven game. While some of the action takes place behind the scenes, it's all centered on you running the team and aiding your drivers during races. You don't have to deal with drivers running into problems off the WUDFN RU SHUVRQDOLW\ FRQÁLFWV ZLWK \RX RU RWKHU GULYHUV Instead, you just have to help your drivers and your team win races and climb the standings.


:KLOH LW PLJKW VRXQG DV H[FLWLQJ DV ÀOOLQJ RXW D spreadshee­t, this strategic simulation is actually rather engaging once you've mastered its intricacie­s. In "Motorsport Manager," you oversee almost all aspects of running a race team. Which not only means buying new cars and parts between races but also telling your drivers how hard to push themselves during a race and when to come into the pit for fuel and new parts. During races, you have to not only monitor the condition of your cars and their fuel levels in real time, but you also have to keep track of changing weather, its impact on the track, and other minor details that FRXOG PHDQ WKH GLIIHUHQFH EHWZHHQ ÀUVW SODFH DQG 15th. Oh, and you have to do it for two cars at the same time. There are even random events, such as when something on the track unexpected­ly damages your car or when you tell your pit crew to work faster, but this just causes them to screw up. All of this is done from an aerial perspectiv­e; you never get behind the wheel of a car. This may make playing this game sound more like work to some people, and it will be. This isn't for someone who wants to be a driver. But for fans of racing who also enjoy strategy games where you have to deal with resource management, "Motorsport Manager" is like owning your own race team — just with all the heartache and none of the money. GAME DETAILS Platforms: Mac, Windows | Price: $34.99 Developer: Sega of America Release date: November 10, 2016 Genre: Simulation ESRB rating: E10+ for alcohol reference, language. Recommende­d for ages 12 and older.

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