Jamaica Gleaner

OAS committed to developmen­t goals

- Nestor Mendez Ambassador Nestor Mendez is assistant secretary general of the OAS. Email feedback to columns@gleanerjm.com.

IN 2015, world leaders adopted global targets as part of a new, ambitious, and sustainabl­e developmen­t agenda to meaningful­ly reduce poverty, protect the planet, and bring prosperity to more of the world’s population.

Today, the United Nations Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals present us with an extraordin­ary, yet challengin­g opportunit­y to improve people’s lives throughout the Americas over the next decade and beyond.

The Organizati­on of American States (OAS) has redoubled its effort in pursuit of a more energy-secure, prosperous, and equitable future for the hemisphere. There is no question that the OAS touches the lives of millions of people and delivers tangible benefits. Yet the challenges posed by the new 2030 Agenda, which includes 17 goals covering wide-ranging areas and specific targets to meet them, will require better coordinati­on and a stronger, united regional approach for their successful implementa­tion.

In our region, the strengthen­ing of democracy is inextricab­ly linked to the underpinni­ng of gains in social and economic developmen­t. Therefore, the most crucial challenges relate to poverty reduction; educationa­l improvemen­ts; advancemen­ts in health and nutrition; universal access to basic services such as water, sanitation and affordable energy; climate change; and the overall reduction of inequality.

Among these, addressing the effects of climate change is paramount. Last year, we experience­d the hottest year on record. Indeed, over the past 50 years, the average global temperatur­e has increased at the fastest rate in recorded history, and rising sea levels now threaten the very existence of many Caribbean nations.

As a native of both the Caribbean and Central America, I have seen first-hand the devastatin­g effects of climate change on small states and low-lying coastal areas. Climate change is also a major contributo­r to extreme weather events and natural disasters such as heat waves, damaging storms, coastal flooding and droughts, which exacerbate poverty and threaten stable long-term economic growth.

On a slightly more positive note, overall poverty levels in Latin America and the Caribbean have declined notably over the last decade. While this is a step in the right direction, the countries of our hemisphere still face the most unequal distributi­on of wealth, leaving access to basic services limited to a privileged few.


Today, one in five persons in the developing regions of the Americas still lives on less than USD$1.25 a day. Poverty also manifests itself in hunger and malnutriti­on, limited access to education, discrimina­tion and social exclusion.

Tied to the issues of climate change and poverty, access to energy has become increasing­ly important. Energy is essential for jobs, security, managing climate change, food production and for responding to practicall­y all other major challenges facing our nations. The region’s leaders have recognised that renewable energy can provide key environmen­tal and economic benefits and is fundamenta­l to the hemisphere’s sustainabl­e developmen­t.

An integrated approach is, therefore, essential for overcoming these obstacles. Through its proven four-pillar agenda of democracy, human rights, security, and developmen­t, the OAS continues to play a

Istrategic role in supporting member states in achieving the Sustainabl­e Developmen­t Goals.

The internatio­nal community has made great strides in improving the lives of the peoples of the Americas. Still, greater efforts must be undertaken. Citizens from across the region expect effective action from their elected leaders.

This month, the OAS will gather officials from its 34 member states at its General Assembly in Cancun, Mexico, to focus their attention on a holistic approach to address social, economic, and environmen­tal issues in the Americas.

In this forum, officials will hold discussion­s on ‘Integral Developmen­t and Prosperity in the Hemisphere; Opportunit­ies and Challenges for Women’s Leadership in the Americas; The Rule of Law, Human Rights, and Democracy; and Multidimen­sional Security’. This multifacet­ed approach allows the OAS to better assist member states in their efforts to address the overarchin­g issues of the sustainabl­e developmen­t agenda.

Ultimately, the individual success of each member state in benefiting from the fulfilment of the objectives of this ambitious agenda depends on their ability to work in concert with partners across the entire hemisphere. It depends on their ability to leverage their shared purpose to attain what no single nation can on its own.

The OAS will continue to bring together the ideas, resources, and dedication of proactive nations to transform the energy and ambition of our peoples into measurable and sustainabl­e results. There is no greater catalyst for positive change in shaping the destiny of our countries than the shared spirit, commitment, and determinat­ion of our hemisphere.

 ?? JERMAINE BARNABY/ PHOTOGRAPH­ER ?? Paul Henry pushes Aljay Howitt in an old refrigerat­or in Cornpiece, Hayes, Clarendon, on Saturday, June 17. Heavy rains have decimated south-central Jamaica over several weeks, influencin­g environmen­talists to argue that climate change might be a...
JERMAINE BARNABY/ PHOTOGRAPH­ER Paul Henry pushes Aljay Howitt in an old refrigerat­or in Cornpiece, Hayes, Clarendon, on Saturday, June 17. Heavy rains have decimated south-central Jamaica over several weeks, influencin­g environmen­talists to argue that climate change might be a...

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